When segue returns, what method is called?
It also ACTS as a logical segue into the next session, Reviewing architectural needs.
How to segue towards the less inviting explanation, "Well, some scientists believe our world is too clean!"
他们接下来的提问一定和洗手有关。 然后会继续解释道,“有些科学家相信,我们生活的世界太过干净了!”
In fact, I'm using this (and the next) essay on advice to segue into a planned series of essays on the psychology of freedom.
If you and your friend are debating whether to buy the tight red shirt versus the tight blue shirt, it's a fairly easy segue to asking the stranger for their opinion.
Segue: "I think my company might help you reduce inventory. When the new management looks at your department, how will they determine whether your inventory is running efficiently?""
They account for well over half of the non-European total, and there are worries about both the dodgy colleges some attend and their seamless segue into the workforce and eventual settlement.
The training module include three aspects of cognitive domain, psychomotor domain and affective domain, assessment module include standardization test paper and OSCE and SEGUE scale assessment.
The training module include three aspects of cognitive domain, psychomotor domain and affective domain, assessment module include standardization test paper and OSCE and SEGUE scale assessment.