The example shows that the ground has some amplifying action to seismic acceleration and the real seismic acceleration of the sole rock …
Finally, the program is applied to calculate the dynamic response of a free horizontal field of saturated sands under seismic acceleration.
Thirdly, assuming blasting seismic acceleration history is stochastic process, stochastic vibration response of structure is analyzed theoretically.
The rocking is the main part of seismic acceleration at the top of super structure, the swing takes the second place, and elastic deformation is quite small.
But the normalized auto-correlation of real seismic acceleration record comprises an obviously random noise with amplitude value of 0.15 or so, that is so called super random content.
Compared the results, the variation of the critical seismic acceleration and the instability time versus the weight of the bridge, the softness ratio the seismic magnitude is analyzed.
The seismic dynamic parameter (seismic acceleration) is similarly an important one in design of the foreign hydro projects but the method and principle of selecting its value are quite different.
Acceleration, displacement and strain response from seismic tests for all main parts of the three types of heat exchangers were measured under both conditions with and without water.
Methods to determine the probability that certain ground acceleration levels will be experienced in a given site are referred to as "seismic risk" or "seismic hazard" analyses.
The seismic zoning map was worked out separately by use of earthquake intensity and peak value of horizontal acceleration of bedrock.
The variation of seismic passive pressure coefficients increases with the increase of the magnitude of the earthquake acceleration.
The seismic response indicates that the harder the soil is, the larger the magnification coefficient of the acceleration response is.
The peak acceleration responses are fully controlled by the relative stiffness ratio and the input seismic excitation, and their distributions are quite complicated.
In the seismic data processing can pass the speed analysis is fold acceleration, then carry on other type speed to estimate.
Then some rules are presented: the frequency characteristics, acceleration peak value of the input ground motion have great influence on the seismic response of composite foundation.
The equivalent viscous-elastic model was used to calculate and analyze 2d seismic responses of the Mengyejiang Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam under the conditions of earthquake peak acceleration of 0.
The interval of the last large seism is even shorter than the prediction by this acceleration regularity in a seismic active period.
Employing different earthquake acceleration records, the influence of the stochastic behaviors of earthquakes on the structural seismic responses has been investigated.
The acceleration responses have obvious difference under different input seismic waves.
The acceleration responses have obvious difference under different input seismic waves.