For more information, please see the documentation onthe Select Objects Window.
Expectedly, jQuery provides powerful selection methods that allow you to find and select objects on the page.
From the available objects displayed in the tree view, select objects from the database to bring into the application.
The restore_where and restore methods can be used to select objects matching some criteria and a single object, respectively.
Select the option to map the namespace to packages, which provides a more user-friendly package structure in the generated objects.
You can use SOQL queries to search specific objects or fields of an object, similar to how SELECT queries specific fields in a table.
Content publishers who create new content objects select the content template and site area, and this pair then automatically links to the required page design.
This wizard (as shown in Figure 2) allows you to select the connection to work with and the data objects to be included in the data source.
To compare between objects, you need to first select the two objects you want to compare (Figure 38).
Select the objects, along with the counter and instances that you want to chart.
Users can also search for objects and select an object from the search results.
In the case of a select query, objects representing ResultSets will be returned.
With SSPW, you have the option to select at the cube or SAP BW query level, and definitions of any objects under those levels will be imported.
When you define the inputs and outputs for the operations of an interface, you can select business objects.
This wizard allows you to select the connection to work with and the data objects that the data source is created for.
In the wizard that is displayed, select the connection, the data objects, and the columns to be used for the data source.
Select all the objects to import, click Next, and click import.
Select the appropriate database objects that you want to have available for reporting, then click on Next
Database-driven objectization (DDO): Select a table and to generate the objects for data access and manipulation, otherwise referred to as CRUD (create, replace, update, delete).
Database-drivenobjectization (DDO):JLINQ最常用的用法就是选择一个表,为数据访问与操作生成对应的对象,或是对其进行CRUD的操作。
Alternatively, you can drag EmitCustomerWrapperInput onto the canvas and use the menu to select the nested business objects and attributes.
Figure 3 showed you that you can select a number of BAPIs and add them to the Objects to be imported section in the wizard.
Use the Open directory button to select the working directory containing the previously extracted objects.
To mark its centenary, in June the Science Museum in London had its curators select the 10 objects in its collection that had made the biggest mark on history.
Ensure the SAP BW data source that was created is selected, click Next, and then locate and select the desired reporting objects (InfoQuery, InfoCube, etc) for import.
Select the Submap box between the two business objects and select Custom from the drop down list.
In the name box, type an appropriate name for the package, in this case SAP BW - GO Sales will be used, click Next, and then select the objects to include in the package.
Within Schema Explorer, you can browse all the objects for your organization; by drilling into the various objects, you can select individual objects or fields to automatically generate a query.
在SchemaExplorer 中,可以浏览您公司内所有的对象;通过钻入各种对象,可以选择特定对象或字段来自动生成一个查询。
The most common usage of pureQuery is to select a table and to generate the objects for data access and manipulation, otherwise referred to as CRUD (create, replace, update, delete).
After the table has been added to the "Objects to be changed" list, select the table in the editor, and make the following changes in the Properties view
将表添加到 "Objects tobechanged"列表之后,在编辑器中选择表并在 Properties 视图中执行以下更改
If you just want to copy the data objects, select the copy database objects only option.