When the compass icon is clicked in one of the directory rows, the map pans and zooms until the selected course comes into view.
Theory and Technology for Earthquake Resistance of Engineering Structures. Selected Course for Postgraduates, 32 Hours, 2 credit.
What makes Seam so cool is its ability to direct traffic behind the scenes, in this case by holding the selected course in context while you move from page to page.
So Concise Idiomatic Usage of Basic English Vocabulary should be offered as a selected course for students of the English departments of teachers colleges and universities.
Course deviation. The course deviation bar deflects rightward or leftward to indicate displacement of the aircraft to the right or to the left, respectively, of the selected course.
Your first venture into CRUD operations is to show the details of a single course selected from the course listing.
The following applications, like all the articles in our Best of series, are selected by the amount of traffic each article gathered over the course of the year.
In computer systems we assert a clarification that a policy is a "course of action selected from alternatives in light of given conditions".
A policy is a definite course or method of action selected from alternatives, and in light of given conditions, to guide and determine decisions.
The team paddles the kayaks whilst running the radar, over the carefully selected 25 kilometer course along a meltwater channel which runs down the middle of the glacier's floating ice shelf.
In this scenario, the process of preparing the data starts over each time a course is selected. After the same sequence of events described above, the console would now read.
That home was in an affluent suburb of a nondescript garrison town, perhaps selected for its very anonymity and, of course, its good communications and ease of access to the tribal zones.
Of course, you can filter the products selected, as you did earlier (Figure 22).
Of course you could use a third special image for the currently selected (active) item. Then you would just use a third rule like this.
Of course, it also needs to append the cursor restoration command it built earlier, if the selected completion has requested it (that is, if restore is true).
Of course you could use a third special image for the currently selected item too. Then you would just use a third rule like this.
Below is a list of useful references and selected periodicals on topics related to the course.
The assigned readings in this course have been selected to provide a balance of principles, tools and applications.
In this paper, the contents of college physics course were selected and studied by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Thus some valuable conclusions were drown from it.
Some selected passages failed in expressing the course roles.
This course features selected lecture notes. In addition to assignments, a projects section is also available. The course also features an extensive list of readings and related resources.
The material, selected and organized for a one-semester course, is presented with pairs of pages addressing particular topics.
This course includes supplementary notes for selected chapters of the textbook in the study materials section.
This course features a chronology of the readings with selected student responses, and the assignments and final projects from the class.
This course features a chronology of the readings with selected student responses, and the assignments and final projects from the class.