We haven't found any convincing evidence that selectivity or prestige matters.
Schools are tending towards greater selectivity.
The selectivity of a predicate is defined as.
Histograms are used to calculate the selectivity of the predicates.
This suggests a much better predicate selectivity than it appears to be!
The Listing 7 output is starting to look useful, but suffers from a lack of selectivity.
Our ears have only evolved to respond to sound with very high sensitivity and high selectivity.
In other words, the optimizer overestimated the selectivity of the local predicates on the table.
The optimizer can use data distributions to calculate selectivity for the filters in a query.
Given accurate statistics, the query optimizer generally comes up with correct selectivity estimates.
YUSHAN YAN: "in terms of sensitivity and selectivity, the current technology out there is still inferior."
Now that you've analyzed the selectivity of the local predicates, let's now look at the table selectivity.
So it is obvious that the accuracy of selectivity estimation depends upon how often you run UPDATE STATISTICS.
The use of column groups provides more accurate estimates of the joint selectivity of multiple predicates.
But the selectivity calculated in this way is not as accurate as selectivity calculated using data distribution.
Let me count the ways: First, graduation rates rise with college selectivity, even among equally qualified students.
Each join reduces the size of the fact table by one-tenth due to selectivity of the table filter on each dimension table.
The selectivity is a value between 0 and 1 that indicates the percentage of rows within the table that the filter can pass.
选择率是介于 0 到1 之间的一个值,表示表中能通过过滤器的行所占的百分比。
On its own, that's pretty powerful; but XPath offers quite a bit more in terms of selectivity, all using what's called a predicate.
这本身已经非常强大了,不过XPath 还提供了更多的选择性,即使用所谓的谓词。
The optimizer USES data distribution information generated by UPDATE STATISTICS to calculate selectivity for the filters in the query.
At the same time, we also have found differences in signal selectivity that may allow us to target some bacteria while ignoring others.
The performance improvement depends on the selectivity of the filter on the dimension table from which the join keys are pushed down.
The optimizer can then compare the input variable values to catalog statistics and compute a better selectivity estimate for predicates.
However, in the absence of data distributions, the database server calculates selectivity for filters of different types based on table indexes.
And each node is annotated by statistics, estimated costs, selectivity information and so forth that are used to determine the access plan flow.
Selectivity: When the query optimizer (QO) studies your SQL, the degree of selectivity determines if an index should be used to perform the operation.
选择性:当查询优化器(query optimizer,即QO)读取SQL时,选择性的程度决定了索引是否应该用来执行该操作。
Indexes on the foreign keys referencing tables with few rows have low selectivity, and the utility of requiring the index has always been questionable.
However, in the absence of data distribution information, the optimizer will calculate selectivity for filters of different types based on table indexes.
However, in the absence of data distribution information, the optimizer will calculate selectivity for filters of different types based on table indexes.