How the Economy Works: Confidence, Crashes, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.
In certain circumstances speculators are capable of creating self-fulfilling prophecies.//
Unfortunately, movies like the Other Woman are self-fulfilling prophecies for the studios.
Nicknames like Shorty, Clumsy, Crybaby, Slowpoke, Klutz, or Nerd can become daily reminders of incompetence. They can also become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Without those changed perspectives it will be hard to find the courage, motivation, enthusiasm and whatever else you may need. And then there are self-fulfilling prophecies.
Placebo and expectation effects are examples of self-fulfilling prophecies-the concept that a certain idea produces behaviors that make the idea, even if originally false, become true.
Speculation differs from most gambling activities in that the beliefs of the participants affect the results. In certain circumstances speculators are capable of creating self-fulfilling prophecies.
Victories may not come just by willing them, but prophecies of defeat are often self-fulfilling.
Paper losses were estimated in astronomical numbers and denials were disbelieved; prophecies of doom were, in the nature of the case, self-fulfilling.
Paper losses were estimated in astronomical numbers and denials were disbelieved; prophecies of doom were, in the nature of the case, self-fulfilling.