Most people only do three things; self deception, deceptive, be bullied.
Human beings have an infinite capacity for self-deception.
Opportunities for misinterpretation, error, and self-deception abound.
Meanwhile, the derivatives market was the very embodiment of American fantasy and self-deception, built on as flimsy a foundation as Gatsby's wealth.
Their actions leave open the further question: when does out-and-out prevarication shade off into self-deception and denial?
It is more than just an account of the failures of regulators and the self-deception of bankers and homebuyers, although these are well covered.
A debut novel about love, self-deception and moral free fall that unfolds over the course of a winter in Moscow, by our former Moscow correspondent, now Britain editor.
The existentialist understanding of this self-deception is living in Bad Faith.
The implications of self-deception go beyond hiring.
English society did not undergo a Damascene conversion. Instead, it survived a period of intense confusion, debate, self-analysis and self-deception.
So what this study suggests is that for many people self-deception is as easy as pie.
This experiment is neat because it shows the different gradations of self-deception, all the way up to its purest form, in which people manage to trick themselves hook, line and sinker.
Still curious about the nature of self-deception, denial and neglect, I called V.S. Ramachandran, a legendary neuroscientist at the University of California – San Diego and an expert on anosognosia.
我仍然对自欺、否认和忽视感到好奇,于是打电话给V·S·拉玛钱德朗(V.S. Ramachandran)——加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校传奇的神经系统学家及疾病感缺失症专家。
Given the temptations waiting at maturity, self-deception is the 'seeming-easy' choice; or you can ask: "How do I regain responsibility for my self?"
Self-deception led those who had allowed the bubble to develop, who had looked the other way as bad lending practices became routine, to think that the problems were niche or temporary.
You don't, and the self-deception continues.
See V.S. Ramachandran, the evolutionary biology of self-deception, laughter, dreaming and depression: some clues from anosognosia, Medical Hypotheses, November 1996, 47 (5) : 347-62.
参见v.s.拉玛钱德朗的《进化生物学之自欺、大笑、梦和沮丧:来自病感失认症的提示》,《医学假说》杂志,1996年11月刊,47 (5):347 - 62。
But hardly anyone could be found who would deny these partial successes and ascribe them to human self-deception.
The observant reader may feel at this point that structured procrastination requires acertain amount of self-deception, since one is in effect constantly perpetrating a pyramid one scheme on self.
Face and peeled off its mask after they reveal our hearts very afraid of meeting light flaw, sometimes it will evolve into self-deception, even inadvertently hurt other people we have.
In the end, Ivan is liberated from his self-deception. And we, too, can free ourselves from this delusion. As soon as today. Right now.
On the other hand, self-deception may not always be a flaw and may even be beneficial at times.
And, simply put, its officials cannot always be depended on and what they say cannot be taken at face value -either out of arrogance, self-deception, macho posturing or simple errors of judgment.
I think that we need a little more self-deception, and tell us that he is just that into you.
One then comes to understand how life feels without constant self-deception.
Western philosophers and psychologists have been doing influential researches on self-deception.
Western philosophers and psychologists have been doing influential researches on self-deception.