Japan's Maritime Self Defense Force has dispatched a destroyer and helicopters.
Japan's Self Defense Forces have sent out helicopters to patrol along the country's east coastline to monitor a possible tsunami and evaluate the damage.
Q: Last week, Japan Maritime Self Defense Force sent out vessels on convoy missions to the Gulf of Aden and seas off the Somali coast, how do you comment?
And he emphasized that they always have the right to self defense, a right the helicopter crew apparently thought it was exercising after the Pakistani troops fired their weapons.
Since at least the 1980s, scientists have theorized that NDEs occur as a kind of physiological self-defense mechanism.
Given these weaknesses, I could not help reading one particular passage of Keefe's as an attempt at self-defense.
Irene's verbal ability showed in her self-defense. The jury vetoed the charge against her.
But Germans, it almost goes without saying, are sensitive about the suggestion that they might fight for reasons other than pure self-defense or altruism.
My coworkers and I did a lot of testing in self-defense: it's good to find the bugs in the software before the customers do.
And third, he could not be guilty of murder, because he had killed only in self-defense.
On Thursday morning, Japan's Self-Defense Forces started dumping water from a helicopter on reactor No. 3, making four passes. They planned to do the same for No. 4 sometime Thursday.
The United States says Davis acted in self-defense and is a diplomat who should be released immediately under international conventions.
However, Jerusalem wanted the agreement to also state that it had acted in self-defense.
Only 23 percent have taken a self-defense class. And a measly 6 percent always run with a partner.
Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary and the spokesman for the rescue efforts, has become an Internet hero, and rescue efforts by the Self-Defense Forces are praised.
He was a small, thin child who got picked on by local bullies, so he learned kung fu for self-defense from the village master.
Some of those battling flames and spraying water at reactors at Daiichi are members of Japan's Self-Defense Force, police officers or firefighters.
Fortunately, fatalities are fairly rare; the spiders are nonaggressive and bite only in self-defense, such as when someone accidentally sits on them.
The women had internalized self-doubt as a form of self-defense: people don’t like women who boast about their achievements.
Former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Yaakov Turkel, who headed the commission, said soldiers acted in self-defense.
Two additional Hotchkiss-type 8mm machine guns were fitted in positional ball mountings on either side of the upper hull for self-defense.
The Goldstone Report sparked outrage in Israel, which said that its three-week assault on Gaza was legitimate self-defense against years of Palestinian rocket attacks.
Some of those battling flames and spraying water at reactors at Daiichi are members of Japan’s Self-Defense Force, police officers or firefighters.
Outside of your own house, even on your front porch, it's practically impossible to shoot somebody who's unarmed and get away with a self-defense claim.
Most flight attendants and pilots are trained for those instances and taught self-defense as well as how to detect certain behaviors.
Most flight attendants and pilots are trained for those instances and taught self-defense as well as how to detect certain behaviors.