Those who were more self disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old.
Routine and strict study in university has cultivated me to a highly self disciplined person, and I treat this discipline as the guide of my life.
Compared with the morality of the realistic society, i. e. , realistic morality, the network morality has some features of its own: 1. It is independent and self disciplined.
与现实社会中的道德即现实道德相比,网络道德有其自身的一些特点:1 。是一种自主自律型的道德;
If his parents vow to show more love, more discipline and less anger, then he will react by behaving like a well loved self disciplined child who respects his parents and toys.
Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined.
Those who were more self-disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old.
At the same time, workers were required to discard old habits, for industrialism demanded a worker who was alert, dependable, and self-disciplined.
One must be duly self-disciplined to adhere to it.
People with self-disciplined can not only accumulate wealth but also establish their careers.
When we think about being self-disciplined, we have a tendency to assume we need to do it all ourselves, by the sheer force of willpower.
Self-discipline is just an important quality for a person. When know a lot, he or she would have very higher spiritual pursuits and becomes self-disciplined.
We are not closed, self-regulating systems, but open loops regulated, disciplined, encouraged, reprimanded, supported and validated by the emotional feedback we receive from others.
It really pays to surround yourself by self-disciplined people who'll encourage you.
Consistently, the group members who spoke up the most were rated the highest for such qualities as "general intelligence" and "dependable and self-disciplined."
Some goals, like kindness, integrity, and being self-disciplined, enhance the meaning and quality of life, whereas others only feed into your sense of defectiveness, Dr. Leahy says.
It's really difficult to be self-disciplined if you're fuzzy about what exactly you're trying to change.
A 2013 study published in Psychological Science reports that when people are running low on self-control, they often seek out self-disciplined people to boost their willpower.
Acquire a positive working attitude. Be self-disciplined and self-motivated; set a good working example for all sub-ordinates.
I know it's impossible to become a self-disciplined person overnight, so I will be down to earth, and start by going to bed before 11. p. m.
It is said that more than 30 children have been sent to him to be disciplined with his self-created educational methods during summer and winter vacations.
This approach always includes a disciplined program of study, self-evaluation, and restudy over a period of months.
Editors should therefore be more self - disciplined and highly elevated in their personal qualities and more aware of their responsibilities on their shoulders.
In UK, the regulations of advertising, including the regulation of misleading advertisements are enforced by the self-disciplined institutions mostly.
Students should be disciplined and instructed. What is more, they should be taught to learn self-control and self-study.
Students should be disciplined and instructed. What is more, they should be taught to learn self-control and self-study.