To achieve this, the translator should have both a sense of self restraint and a sense of creativity.
As the re-management of management, efficacy supervision has become the important composition of enterprise self restraint mechanism.
Only trade self restraint is the practicable selection to impel the enterprises to turn price competition into non price competition, and finally stop the price war.
It senses its power is growing and this leads to a posture of great self - restraint, even passivity and reluctance to rock the boat.
But there is also the matter of self-restraint and good taste, and I lament their passing from American society.
We have become capable of the most stunning technological breakthroughs — but we are sabotaging them by proving ourselves incapable of the most basic forms of self-restraint.
The Republicans need to demonstrate that they understand the importance of self-restraint, both at home and abroad.
The solution doesn't lie in puritanical self-restraint or in a defensive insistence that there's nothing wrong.
Others are having to show more self-restraint: Goldman Sachs has promised to pay bonuses to its top 30 employees purely in shares.
Europeans, for their part, look to Germany for leadership, but want it to be tempered by traditional German self-restraint.
It has a poor record in terms of compelling action even among mortals-let alone gods, whose capacity for self-restraint has never really been the stuff of legend.
Yet surely online bingeing is no different from eating too many sweets: its remedy is a matter of old-fashioned self-restraint.
Self-restraint leads to less physical (or pharmacological) restraint, triage leads to treatment, and treatment with respect leads to engagement and collaboration, he suggested.
The Japanese tendency towards self-restraint, or jishuku, is back in force.
Over the past months, there has been some progress in getting Americans to accept the need for self-restraint.
The result of this self-restraint was that exports soared in real terms, whereas consumer spending barely budged (see chart).
Reconciliation is in everybody's interests, neighbours included, which is where the self-restraint comes in.
Others point to the recent emphasis in US schools on cultivating student self-esteem -- at the expense of self-restraint.
M incentive (motivation) : self-restraint continue to motivate yourself and others to achieve self-transcendence.
But now we grow up, the growth that we throw away the useless things, to supplement their literary self-restraint.
Methods The research is carried out through such aspects as the machine structure, image reconstruction method, scanning function, equipment self-restraint function of 16 slices multi-row spiral CT.
Self-restraint can be almost obsessive at times and when motivated by a challenge, their drive and endurance is remarkable.
Whether it does will depend upon two shifts in Myanmar and one piece of self-restraint among its neighbours.
If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one being corrected.
If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one being corrected.