When other countries must acquire your currency to trade, and must keep your money in reserve to protect the value of their own, your securities sell at a premium.
Foreign brands sell at a huge premium to local brands, justified in part by the perception of quality.
They take bleeding edge technology, marry it with exceptional design, and sell it at a premium price.
The hope is still that as markets recover, AIG can sell the crown jewels of its insurance business at a premium to book value.
The software giant Monday was able to sell bonds at interest rates that were only a slight premium to U.S. government debt and at much lower rates than other corporations.
But it has a powerful organising idea: take the latest technology, package it in a simple, elegant form and sell it at a premium price.
These "specialty eggs", as they are known in the industry, are sold at a premium, which means egg producers, sellers, and grocery chains all want to find ways to sell more.
These "specialty eggs", as they are known in the industry, are sold at a premium, which means egg producers, sellers, and grocery chains all want to find ways to sell more.