Representing semi-structured data using XML
JSON for data: If you have structured or semi-structured data, choose JSON.
Using XML to extract useful information from semi-structured data sets.
It provides tools to create data feeds from structured and semi-structured data sources.
These attributes make XML dialects prime vocabularies for representing semi-structured data.
Mozilla also USES Resource Description Framework (RDF) to manage semi-structured data used in XUL.
One of the best uses I've found for XSLT in the browser is to deliver reports against semi-structured data.
Semi-structured data, primarily in the form of HTML, is enabling new prospects for mining data from the web.
InfoSphere MashupHub client provides tools to create data feeds from structured and semi-structured data sources.
If you have a solution that lets you store semi-structured data, you can also use it to store structured and unstructured data.
The paper proposes an approach to storing semi-structured data based on XML, and develops algorithms for storing and parsing.
In recent years, the research about the data mining based on the unstructured and semi-structured data become one of research focuses.
In relational database, there are massive relational patterns, in which, data structure is generally structured data or semi-structured data.
Representing semi-structured data as an XML-based document requires a robust data-mining system to support XML consumption, manipulation, and output.
将半结构化数据表示为基于XML 的文档需要一个健壮的数据挖掘系统来支持XML消费、操纵和输出。
Semi-structured data generally contains tags or other elements to separate semantically related elements that imply some details about the associated data.
The presenting model for semi-structured data base Resource Description Framework(RDF) and its information retrieval mechanism were proposed in this paper.
A new data binding is supported for WebSphere TX, enabling the transformation of business objects to and from semi-structured data and complex industry schemas.
The sheer volume of unstructured and semi-structured data found on the web and in internal data stores increases the need for intelligent and effective data mining.
This format is simple, concise, retains all the information of earlier formats, retains structure well, yet it is still flexible enough for the semi-structured data.
The thesis introduces concepts and present research status about data mining, semi-structured data mining and XML, and produces an oriented-XML treelike object model named TOM.
This allows the data service to combine structured data with semi - or unstructured data.
And what do you do if the amount of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data is roughly equal?
Relations are flat, highly structured, strongly typed, and unordered while XML data is ordered, nested, hierarchical, optionally typed and often irregular and semi-structured.
To be reasonable, for an honest "no" to this question, most of your data should be document-like storage of semi-structured nature.
但是准确地说,如果要对这个问题回答 “不需要”,那么您的大多数数据应该是半结构化的文档。
Mining data from today's data stores requires that processors attempt to create structured data from data that is often totally unstructured or semi-structured at best.
Companies may also have a need to analyze semi-structured text (such as XML content) or other data types (such as audio and video).
XML formats, on the other hand, are good at describing data of a semi-structured nature.
Mining data from the web involves applying structure to information that is typically presented in a semi-structured format at best.
Raw data can be structured, it can also be a semi-structured, even distribution on the network of heterogeneous data.
Semi-instructured data is a kind of the important type in networks, and its data extracting and knowledge discovery is the core for semi-structured researches.