Even if you send me your new contact data as text in a message I still have to copy page each line to my AddressBook.
When you are ready to send the actual message, you populate the text as you did before, but you also populate the HTML version using the setBodyHtml() method.
You will use the RFHUTIL utility program to read a file from a text file and send the data as a message to the EXPORTQ local queue managed by the queue manager QMGR900.
I experimented with text messaging once and found out (when my bill arrived) that not only did it cost a ridiculous amount of money to send a message, but it cost money to receive one as well!
As your mark is driving around, you can send the tracker text message instructions such as a request for current location.
As your mark is driving around, you can send the tracker text message instructions such as a request for current location.