Send back what the browser accepts
The server will send back the Suggestions.
When passed in front of a reader, the tags send back data stored on them.
In the HTTP case it would just send back an HTTP 202 Accept response with no content.
对于使用HTTP的情况,将仅发送回不包含任何内容的HTTP 202Accept响应。
Even better than multipart, why not just send back a comma delimited list of order URIs?
Thousands of oceangoing floats send back data on water properties and, therefore, currents.
The second line shows how Grails interprets the request and the response it will send back.
The application server then prepares data to send back to the appropriate unit to be displayed.
The wrapper returns some results, which the driver then formats into JSON to send back to the browser.
包装器返回一些结果,驱动程序将它们格式化为JSON 并返回浏览器。
Can you see the redirect that the agent is performing to send back the data in your view to the client?
So, in your ToDo-list application, you send back a fresh list of items as a response to all server requests.
因此,在您的ToDo - List应用程序中,您将一个新的项目列表作为对所有服务器请求的响应回发。
We want to use the same socket connection to both read the inbound message and send back the acknowledgement.
While smooth surfaces send back a reversed, right-polarized wave, rough areas return left-polarized waves.
If the developers were not responsible then they could send back code which had no guarantee of being fixed.
Users simply take a picture and send it to Google’s computers, which will send back search results for the object.
Users simply take a picture and send it to Google's computers, which will send back search results for the object.
Now listen to me! Send back your fellow countrymen you have taken as prisoners, for the Lord 's fierce anger rests on you.'
An intricate set of metal layers focuses and manipulates incoming radio waves, allowing the tag to send back a clear signal.
Remon relies on a form of ultrasound that transmits energy to power the chip and prompt it to send back its pressure readings.
Unfortunately, while this does work - and it does send back a JSON representation of the results - it doesn't delve deep enough.
Both buttons then send back HTML for the page defined as "Next page (success or cancel)" in the properties for the current page.
然后两个按钮都在当前页面的属性中返回被定义为“Nextpage (successorcancel)”的页面HTML。
Some Ajax application servers send back data in the form of XML. This is a huge improvement over HTML, but it is also suboptimal.
Special display software overlays the images they send back on a map to produce a moving picture of what is going on on the ground.
You get a message asking how your day went or if you'll be free at a certain time, so you send back a detailed and informative reply.
Several hundred sensors placed throughout an automated cutting system send back real-time data that maintenance personnel can act upon.
If you don't send back your form, you may receive a visit from a census taker. If a census taker visits you, here's what you should do.
The request will be received by the back end, which in turn will send back a JSON response file containing the requested data to the device.
If it's set to 1, you know the request was made using an asynchronous Ajax call, and you should just send back a message with OK or an error.
If it's set to 1, you know the request was made using an asynchronous Ajax call, and you should just send back a message with OK or an error.