"By all means, reach out to your social network, but as you cast a wide net looking for job prospects, be conscious of every email you send," Fay suggests.
Fay 建议:“用一切方法接触你的社交网络,但是,在你广撒网找工作机会的时候,也要注意你发出的每封邮件。”
We send our exercise "books" to our teachers by email on Friday night.
Nowadays many people no longer send Christmas card. Instead, they express their greetings to their friends by email.
To register, please send an email by 2 November to munzingerj@who.int with your name, title, affiliation, telephone numbers and email address.
In addition, the Out of Office agent does not notify the sender for each and every email they send, just the first one. (This is by design.)
Hold off until you're specifically asked, Couper advises, and even then, you can delay a bit by offering to send the information in an email in a day or two.
Well for one, it's more convenient for many people to send and receive faxes by email, which is what electronic faxing enables.
You could easily see this app being used as an email alternative by busy, working professionals who can't carry their laptops with them everywhere but need to send and receive files.
Send out cards to your clients either by snail-mail or email.
Service providers are trying to make it easier for you by creating an address book where one click can send an email to a person, however, this also makes it easier for you to make a mistake.
Buyer sends signed contract by fax and email and the seller send original contract any facsimile or electronic copies, shall be considered as the original.
Bob can send out the direct link by copying the meeting URL and pasting it in a chat window or sending an email.
In nowadays, many people no longer send Christmas CARDS, instead, they express their greetings to their friends by email.
We recommend faxing for security reason. However you can send it by email as attachment after scanned or taking a photo of your ID.
This app allows you to make a very special personalized framed picture, save in your album or send to your loved one by email.
They do this by allowing you to upload any large files you have to their storage servers then allow you to send an email from their system with a link to the files.
Now more people send their New Year's greeting through email than send CARDS by post.
You could come by during my office hours, which are on the syllabus, and you could send me email and set up an appointment.
You may not use "this information by mail to a friend" service or other email forwarding services to send spam or other potentially violate the site's User Agreement or Privacy Policy content.
Send it to customers by postal mail, email, or post it on your web site.
The scientists envision a future when the paralyzed and infirm may send email, surf the web and command other computer resources simply by thinking about them.
Actually, if you use a good contact management database, you can send it by mass email and it appears as if each is a personalized email.
The exhibitors shall fill in the application form after the confirmation of exhibition and selection of booth, and send the form to CIAPS by fax or email;
Pay by credit card. We will send the payment link by email to proceed the transaction online.
More than 50 percent of Japanese send email and browse the Internet from their mobile phones, according to a 2006 survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
More than 50 percent of Japanese send email and browse the Internet from their mobile phones, according to a 2006 survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.