Have you noticed some people don't bother to check the exact signature before sending a text message?
It's become a part of everyday language for many people, describing the action of sending a text message on a mobile phone.
You can lock the phone remotely, switch on an alarm or delete data by simply sending a text message with a predefined keyword.
He undertook his first task yesterday by sending a text message to Walcott and is likely to get in contact again with the 21-year-old over the course of the next week.
A man who kidnapped a 14-year-old girl and raped her for a week is sentenced to 421 years in prison. The girl was held at a bunker until being rescued after sending a text message for help.
You then move the actual sending of the mail outside this loop, instead building a string of text to add to the body of the message.
If you’re sending a text, photo or video to another iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, iOS automatically uses a new, proprietary service called iMessages instead of sending a traditional text message.
如果你要把短信、照片或者视频文件传送到另外一个苹果公司的产品上,不管是iPadiPhone还是iPod Touch,我们都不再需要传统的传送模式,iOS都会自动给你提供一项新的专属服务,我们称它为iMessages(它不是一项单独的应用,而是已经被植入到了现有的短信应用程序当中。
I think right now the young people are sending us a text message. They're saying enough of this foolishness.
They can take your cash, and (by sending a special kind of text message) credit it to your mobile-money account.
Short message service of terminal mode is a technology of sending limited-length short text message through mobile terminal which has much excellence such as low price, agility, convenience, etc.
I'm gonna make a point to send my best friends actual birthday cards, instead of just sending an email or text message.
I'm gonna make a point to send my best friends actual birthday cards, instead of just sending an email or text message.