Just a minute, I am sending an e-mail.
When sending an e-mail occasionally an unfriendly tone creeps in.
Note that the way this routine is structured, you are actually sending an E-mail for each feed that has been updated.
You must contact IBM to get a PMR number for xxxxx.byyy.czzz by sending an E-mail or calling the IBM Support hotline.
您必须通过发送电子邮件或拨打IBM支持热线来联系ibm,以获得xxxxx .byyy . czzz的pmr编号。
You know how you can block those newsletters that you never signed up for by sending an e-mail with “unsubscribe” in the body?
The implementation is sending an e-mail to the manufacturing plant administrator to inform him or her to void the previous order.
If you're sending an E-mail to multiple recipients and you're asking for action, make sure a specific person is assigned to that action.
System management software can also trigger actions (such as sending an e-mail message or a pager message) based on the type of events it receives.
For individuals, a trip on a plane, the use of air conditioning, writing on a piece of paper, even sending an E-mail will produce carbon footprint.
Once you're on a customer's Favorite Sellers list, eBay will help market your latest offerings to them by sending an E-mail with a list of your most recent listings.
The e-mail service is responsible for creating and sending e-mails whenever an escalation occurs that is modeled to send an e-mail to all escalation receivers.
I'm a strong advocate of coming to users in the way they prefer to communicate — sending out E-mail messages or through an instant messaging client.
Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited E-mail sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.
At the same time, cellphone companies charge roughly 15 cents a Megabyte in an unlimited data plan - data in this case meaning Web surfing, streaming music or video or sending E-mail.
An advantage over sending large files via Skype or other Instant Messaging Tools is that by sending them with Wuala + E-Mail, you don't disturb the other party, thus you don't interrupt her workflow.
一个比用skype或者其他聊天工具传送大文件的更好的地方在于用Wuala和E - Mail发送,你不会打搅到另外一方,因而你没有中断她的工作流。
In Listing 2, an example CruiseControl configuration file demonstrates the effective use of sending E-mail notifications.
Please let me know if you have similar use cases for wuala by sending me an E-mail to andreas AT wuala DOT com.
如果你有类似的Wuala用法请通过发email到andreas AT wualaDOT com让我知道。
In addition, the embodiment of the invention also provides an E-mail synchronous sending system.
In addition, the embodiment of the invention also provides an E-mail synchronous sending system.