In hybrid wind farm integration system based on HVDC of voltage source converter (VSC-HVDC), the voltage fluctuation can be alleviated by compensating reactive power to PCC from VSC-HVDC sending end.
在基于电压源换流器的高压直流输电(VSC -HVDC)交直流混合风电场并网系统中,控制VSC - HVDC送端站注入到PC C点的无功功率可以抑制电压波动。
In hybrid wind farm integration system based on HVDC of voltage source converter (VSC-HVDC), the voltage fluctuation can be alleviated by compensating reactive power to PCC from VSC-HVDC sending end.
在基于电压源换流器的高压直流输电(VSC -HVDC)交直流混合风电场并网系统中,控制VSC - HVDC送端站注入到PC C点的无功功率可以抑制电压波动。