How does the country implement pedagogic seniority system?
The seniority system was alive and well, and no state had more power from it than Arkansas.
We adopted the seniority system in our company in principle, but we evaluate capable young people and assure them of higher positions and better salaries.
The system has the great benefit of clarity, with the court ensuring that the creditors are paid in order of seniority, with secured lenders getting first cut.
Indeed, Mr Sakurai goes even further, calling for the end of Japan's seniority-wage system (in which salaries are based on length of service rather than performance).
They are also a function of a peculiar labour market with lifetime employment, a wage system based on seniority rather than performance, and little job mobility among managers.
This will make it even more necessary to scrap the seniority-based pay system, because keeping older workers on will be prohibitively expensive.
However, the system of kinship terms in Thai stresses more on the features of "seniority" rather than "gender".
Its employment system still tends to reward seniority and status rather than performance, in what Japanese call aku byodo or "bad egalitarianism".
That meant fewer young mouths to feed on rising salaries, thanks to a seniority-based system under which pay automatically increased with age.
In the long history, a quite complex symbol system of seniority among brothers and sisters has formed in Chinese glossary.
In the long history, a quite complex symbol system of seniority among brothers and sisters has formed in Chinese glossary.