Therefore it is often attachment that causes the sensation of pain in the physical in ascension.
Take, for instance, the physical sensation of pain, a phenomena that we normally try to avoid or ignore.
Even unpleasant sensation of pain, aching, stiffening, itching and the like must be mindful of as they really are.
This is the first demonstration of brain disturbances in chronic pain patients not directly related to the sensation of pain.
While all of these decrease the sensation of pain, they also interact with other tissues such as the brain, heart and stomach, causing side effects.
Herring suggested that different modes of sensation, such as pain, taste, and color, might be correlated with the discharge of specific kinds of nervous energy.
Many parts of their brains are hyperactive, not only in areas responsible for bodily sensation and movement but also in those involved in the sensation and processing of pain.
According to the scientists, although we think of pain as purely physical in nature, in fact we imbue the unpleasant sensation with meaning.
Spicy means pain. The sensation of spiciness is the result of the activation of pain receptors in the tongue.
The initial symptoms of rabies are fever and often pain or an unusual or unexplained tingling, pricking or burning sensation (paraesthesia) at the wound site.
Experiments show that being dumped by a lover activates brain regions more usually associated with processing physical pain, such as the searing sensation of being burnt.
Patients typically report photophobia, watering, foreign body sensation, grittiness, pain, or circumcorneal injection of the sclera.
Symptoms comprise sudden, severe chest pain, dizziness, decreased sensation in any location, profuse sweating and shortness of breath.
Since plants cannot locomote, the sensation of experiencing pain would be superfluous. Thus, plants differ completely physiologically from mammals.
This herb is used for pain in the joints or bones and in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis or a cold sensation and pain in the back and knees.
The pain of angina is usually not as severe as the intense precordial crushing sensation associated with acute myocardial infraction.
Now, thanks to a handful of children who cannot feel pain, researchers have identified a key protein responsible for pain sensation.
The sensation of itching, pain, warm and pulse can go into muscle, organs and along meridians.
Vibratory and pain sensation thresholds for 433 healthy workers without history of vibration exposure in one factory were studied.
And through the realization of this pain or aggregate of sensation, you can attain to the Enlightenment by which you can destroy defilement and get rid of suffering.
Results: In the postoperative 6-month period, the sensory function of 12 patients began to appear , the tactile sensation and pain sensation were the first to recover.
The incidence of recurrence and postoperative chronic pain or foreign body sensation in the IPOM group were lower than those in the Onlay group significantly (P<0.05).
These mice were treated with THC, and typical effects of the drug on motor behavior, pain, and thermal sensation were scored.
These mice were treated with THC, and typical effects of the drug on motor behavior, pain, and thermal sensation were scored.