Moreover, unless our existence before birth was not one of sense-perception, it would have been as incapable of generating the idea as this life is;
As you'll see, the corrections will not "improve" performance in an absolute sense but rather defer startup costs, giving the user the perception of an overall faster product.
This results in a very different perception of time. There's no sense of fighting fatigue before it's time to quit for the night.
As you ll see, the corrections will not "improve" performance in an absolute sense but rather defer startup costs, giving the user the perception of an overall faster product.
The manifestation, when not recognizable to that strange sixth sense of his, appealed only to the most refined, the most delicate perception of eye and ear.
To achieve this ultimate goal however, developers need to simulate the perception of being physically present in a virtual environment, and we call this the sense of presence.
There may be all sorts of reasons that 'Windows 7' makes marketing sense because it allows Microsoft to distance themselves from any perception people have about Vista.
The methods for color perception description and evaluation were studied. 10 pairs of antonym were used to describe the different aspects of color sense on the basis of investigation.
The conditions of knowledge, the aspects of it in human beings, depends also on the mind in a kind of "apriori" way, in forms and categories that are present, even before sense perception takes place.
The article classifies image concerning the ways of perception of human being: auditory image, visual image, taste image, scent image, tactile image, move sense image.
As a subject of thermal perception, people have a conformable standard of thermal sense for either indoor environment or outdoor.
In one study, the authors just looked at the correlation between people's general sense of entitlement and their perception of time.
It is more than just the sense perception of the chair or the perception of the table or the glass of water.
Art is endowed with a new perceptual power which would change men? S sense perception and rational faculty, thus altering their sensation of things.
The implementation of a system permits the progressive transition from sense to shape, from conception to perception, to concrete representation.
Include among phenomenological characteristics not only the traditional registers of sensory perception to which the word usually applies, but add also -and why not? - a sixth sense of mystery.
From these simple claims follow bizarre consequence that challenge common sense and our perception of reality.
Fine of some article is recited out, That kind of sense perception is unparalleled entirely free from worry.
Linguistic sense is a psychological perception of the existence of the linguistic system, and a kind of psychological phenomenon of language, but not the linguistic capacity.
Attaches great importance to the facade design, strong sense of quality, modelling concise, and do not break detail, material has the texture, color coordination, forming good visual perception.
We should know about the ways of knowing before solving problems. There are four basic ways of knowing including sense perception, emotion, language and reason.
Art is endowed with a new perceptual power which would change mens sense perception and rational faculty, thus altering their sensation of things.
In a sense, perception and movement are two sides of the same coin, the coin is action.
The rhythmic sense is the dancers response and perception to the rhythm, which is realized by the combination of the physical movement with the corresponding action.
The rhythmic sense is the dancers response and perception to the rhythm, which is realized by the combination of the physical movement with the corresponding action.