Was it just the Greek sense of honor and propriety that kept them from doing a sneak attack?
Sometimes I think: Why grew up instead not childhood so have the collective sense of honor?
He had to limit his attentions to avoid scandal, yet his sense of honor tied him down like a husband.
You don't want to show the collective sense of honor, but can always complete the task from teachers.
Greed and power are most common, but there are those brigands with a sense of honor and higher purpose.
I'm a very cheerful and lively, generous, has the compassion and the collective sense of honor of girl.
With its high responsibility and sense of honor, ETE Lee Partners deserves the praises from its clients.
I would like to work in a high sense of responsibility and sense of honor is the dedication sinking heart.
Have strong self-learning ability, capable of enduring hardship, with strong dedication and strong sense of honor.
Have a strong collective sense of honor and work responsibility, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts.
Has certain social communication skills, strong collective sense of honor, strong organizational skills teamwork spirit.
School discipline in the school to comply with regulations, collective concern, there are strong collective sense of honor.
The purpose of their education is to make citizens become a person who has noble soul, a sense of honor and responsibility.
Attended the hospital in 2006 held 100 people each department chorus competition, and enhance the collective sense of honor.
Absorb the essence of Chinese classical axial symmetry in space structure design, convey the ancient official home like sense of honor.
In fact, what is "intention"? I would like to work in a high sense of responsibility and sense of honor is the dedication sinking heart.
The Olympics are not simply athletic championships, but embody a sense of honor, a sense of art and literature, and a veneration of beauty.
In addition, I pay attention to class affairs, class service, with my classmates, sense of responsibility and the strong collective sense of honor.
In addition, I have a strong sense of responsibility and collective work of the sense of honor, I am willing for my group to pay up the unity efforts.
We should improve their own sense of morality and moral sense of honor, and promote harmonious relationships and maintaining social morality formation.
It also through the Qing Dynasty. Effectiveness involves sense of honor and changes of of reward is closely related to rise and fall mind in the process of reward.
Seems that "rubber fellow" made of rubber, doesn't accept fresh things and ideas, adopts indifferent attitude to praise and criticism, loses the sense of honor and shame.
In the view of psychology, reasonable and suitable statements and actions result in the sense of honor, while mistakes in ones statements and actions result in the sense of disgrace.
But, we must bear in mind that money has only as much value as we give it. In the pursuit of money, we must keep our sense of honor and we must be careful not to let money corrupt us.
The westerner worships individual struggle, especially proud for the personal achievement, and never conceal own self-confidence, the sense of honor and the achievement after successed.
A born worrier, the Dog people can sometimes bark and bite at those around them, or become highly critical of others who do not share their same highly developed sense of honor and duty.
Jackson was a southwestern parvenu who combined a sense of rough-hewn egalitarianism with the gentlemanly honor typical of his class.
Medal of Honor does not aspire to capture the war in Afghanistan in a documentary sense, but like other shooters, it creates a visceral sensation of combat.
Medal of Honor does not aspire to capture the war in Afghanistan in a documentary sense, but like other shooters, it creates a visceral sensation of combat.