For systems transforming solar to thermal energy, the thermal energy may be stored in matter as either latent heat or sensible heat.
The storage of sensible heat, on the other hand, allows flexibility as to temperature; in addition, safe substances like water and most rocks have large sensible heat capacities.
The zonal sensible heat transfer is mainly by westerly winds.
The latent heat flux is much bigger than the sensible heat flux.
Evaporation can last in the whole night and there is negative sensible heat flux over oasis.
The waste heat boiler of sinter ring cold machine was developed to recover sensible heat of sintering mine.
At present, the heat storage technology has the sensible heat thermal storage and latent heat thermal storage.
The results demonstrate that the ratio of latent heat transfer to sensible heat transfer is within 30 percent.
It can adjust discharge temperature of the frozen water, so as to use effectively the sensible heat of the frozen water.
The biggest proportion in the heat balance is the potential heat flux, followed by sensible heat flux and soil heat flux.
The first is sensible heat, which is just the energy required to change the temperature of a fluid with no change in phase.
The study also indicates that the sea also transports heat to the atmosphere in form of sensible heat when vapor fog occurs.
Compared to the conventional V-C system, the evaporator of the hybrid desiccant air-conditioning only bear sensible heat loads.
A sizeable proportion of the solar energy absorbed at the ocean surface is converted not into sensible heat but into latent heat.
Urban canyon is the main source of urban sensible heat flux. Thus, urban canyon can not be neglected in the urban weather research.
Phase change materials (PCMs) and sensible heat materials applied in the heat energy storage technique have some fatal disadvantages.
The membrane-based total heat exchanger is a novel heat recovery unit due to its simultaneous recovery of sensible heat and moisture.
For the coastal area where the air humidity is heavy, it is better to adopt total heat reclaiming device than sensible heat reclaiming device.
The phenomenons of negative sensible heat flux, large latent heat flux even over the net radiation were observed in sunny afternoon in the oasis.
For the integrated effects, the raising of TP has little influence on the surface sensible heat flux, while it greatly affects condensation heating.
In contrast, latent heat flux and momentum flux is not so sensitive to observation error as sensible heat, and their calculated results is reliable.
Because the dry cooling coil only assumes the indoor sensible heat load and fresh air assumes the latent heat load, no condensate occurs in the system.
The continuous sensible heat distribution from south to north within the longitude of Indochina Peninsula makes the monsoon firstly onset in SCS region.
Comparing with the flux of turbulent exchange of latent heat and the flux of upward long-wave radiation the flux of sensible heat exchange is very small.
In loess plateau, at the daytime, the net radiation contributes mainly to the latent heat flux, the sensible heat flux is minor and the soil heat flux is least.
With detailed calculation, provides complete data of cooling load coefficients for sensible heat gain from human bodies in rooms with different building envelopes.
The experimental data show that the sensible heat effectiveness and moisture effectiveness are both affected by the disposing air quantity under certain conditions.
In the extratropical North Pacific Ocean, significant correlation exists between anomalous latent and sensible heat flux and SST tendency anomalies in boreal winter.
The sensible heat factor decreases with the increase of ventilation time after the rock surface is exposed due to the decrease of the surface temperature of the rock.
The sensible heat factor decreases with the increase of ventilation time after the rock surface is exposed due to the decrease of the surface temperature of the rock.