Users on the first server sent mail to users on the second server, and vice versa, so both servers transferred messages to the other.
Running this script on a folder, such as the Sent Mail folder, nicely organizes the information, as you can see here in Listing 8 when you run the script again.
对某个文件夹运行这个脚本,如Sent Mail文件夹,可以合理地组织相关信息,当您再次运行该脚本时可以看到这一点,如清单8中所示。
Unluckily, when Beth was writing back to me, she sent it to a wrong e-mail address.
DAOS is a method of saving disk space when multiple mail users are sent the same attachment.
Mail is sent only for files that have a percentage of used lines below the threshold.
At a periodic interval, the outgoing email is sent, and the mail file is replicated with the server version to exchange any changes between the two databases.
Thanks to everyone who helps collecting Google’s April Fool’s pranks in the forum (or sent in things via mail)!
Having read the mail you sent me yesterday, I felt more than affected as well as doleful.
Your receipt is sent by E-mail or text message and serves as your boarding pass, which you can print or show to the driver on your phone.
You could also specify that mail received from a specific sender be automatically sent to your Junk mail folder.
Mail would be sent from a user's desktop mail client to the following mail address:
But according to an e-mail sent to developers, the postponement is due to “conflicts with Mediaroom planning timelines.”
When adding or transferring a work item to a new escalation receiver, no E-mail will be sent to this person, even when the escalation action is E-mail.
Then you can use the form workflow policy hyperlink in the E-mail sent to the customer to fill in the loan application form.
I read as many books on the subject as I could; I studied the matter online, and even sent E-mail messages to former colleagues and friends I had worked with in the past.
This page is continuously updated, and a snapshot is also sent in e-mail to all customers every few months.
The notification request might be sent by e-mail, a short message service, or another method as indicated by the customer preferences.
Many people sent me e-mail messages asking how to generate PDF files from the sample program.
Any workflow operations that require human intervention can end up with an E-mail message being sent to a user.
Figure 6.2 Example where we receive an E-mail from a mail server using the ESB with POP3 connectivity and sent the E-mail message to the file system.
Workers stranded far from the office can work on their laptops and vital documents can be sent via E-mail instead of Courier.
Mail sent to users with ambiguous names is not recalled; the recall message cannot determine which recipient was the one selected by the sender originally.
Then you sent an example through mail to me promptly, which totally made me sleepless that night.
The couple sent an e-mail to friends Friday announcing the news, saying they were looking at a possible wedding next summer.
Mr Roberts was empowered to heal via TV screens and through prayed-over handkerchiefs sent by the mail.
Later Saturday, though, Ivanescu sent an E-mail message saying that FINA decided not to release any timekeeping images to the news media.
Later Saturday, though, Ivanescu sent an E-mail message saying that FINA decided not to release any timekeeping images to the news media.