The greatest success of Kosovo has been to avert a Serb exodus.
Like Pinochet, the Serb tyrant escaped jail by death-in 2006.
And if a Serb is killed by a KFOR bulldozer, all bets will be off.
But the Serb is only scheduled to play Madrid, Paris and Shanghai.
Under this, Serb-populated areas of Kosovo were to have extensive autonomy.
(根据这个计划,科索沃境内的塞尔维亚人居住区需要被授予大范围的自治权。) 能不能改进下:在这个计划的框架下,科索沃境内的塞族人聚居区享有广泛的自治权。注意be to do的意思
The electorate, cleansed of its non-Serb members, produced a 90% "no" vote.
The electorate, cleansed of its non-Serb members, produced a 90% “no” vote.
My dad was put in a prison camp where he was beaten and abused by Serb soldiers.
Those calls were to organise NATO air strikes on the Bosnian Serb positions round Sarajevo.
Attacks and Serb police reprisals followed, until the international community became involved.
The breakaway Serb province of Kosovo is expected to declare independence as early as next month.
He added, It will be now very difficult to convince any Serb that this is not an anti-Serb tribunal.
It was a superb solo effort from the Serb and perfectly timed, given the Tigers' brighter start to the half.
I would not like to be a Kosovan Serb living in one of the enclaves south of the river Ibar in the years ahead.
"This morning they had a special car for me, bodyguard, which I didn't want to take in the beginning," said the Serb.
I couldn't tell whether they were Bosnian, Croat or Serb - but I was sure they would all have their own tales to tell.
This week, Serbia arrested one of Europe's most wanted men. Former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic spent sixteen years in hiding.
The latest clashes came after a Serb teenager was reportedly hurt by two knife-wielding Albanians on Tuesday, who were later detained.
But news broadcasts from Sarajevo, Banja Luka (capital of the Serb part of Bosnia), Belgrade and Zagreb are all utterly different.
At Doboj station, three hours into the trip, we entered the Serb-controlled part of Bosnia and waited as the locomotive was changed.
Those calls were to organise NATO air strikes on the Bosnian Serb positions round Sarajevo.NATO was meant to operate as a collective;
Nor does it sit well with Russia, which has said that it will block in the UN Security Council any deal which does not have Serb approval.
The Serb traveled to Miami following the Paris Indoors event and when getting ready to depart for Shanghai, he couldn't find his passport.
By contrast, most people of European origin are so genetically mixed that it's impossible to tell German from Frenchman, Bosnian from serb.
The Serb did little during the fall last year and, as mentioned, he could overtake Federer if he can outperform him over the next few weeks.
The Serb then wasted three match points while leading 5-3 in the fifth set before converting his sixth match point after Isner netted a forehand.
The Serb then wasted three match points while leading 5-3 in the fifth set before converting his sixth match point after Isner netted a forehand.