There we'll be able to stamp it with a serial number, we actually stamp it into the metal.
He could never ever give any responses to his captor other than name, rank, serial number and date of birth.
If the worst happens, you lose your bike, you should immediately report it to the police station, quoting that serial number that should have been stamped.
Insurance agents recommend that you write down the serial number of pretty much everything you buy (computers, televisions, etc.).
"The serial number is picked randomly; otherwise, all of the elements on the certificate are real for you," he said.
The UDID is a long string of alphanumeric characters which will appear in place of the serial number.
The input URLs are constructed from the serial number of the source node for that input and the current value for time.
Between obtaining the serial number and using it to obtain the salary, another thread could remove the employee from both tables.
Passport number Passports have numerical or alphanumerical designators (" serial number ") assigned by the passport issuing authority.
Suppose you're working on an application that holds two tables: One maps an employee name to a serial number and the other maps the serial number to a salary.
This managed system name is guaranteed to be enterprise-wide unique since it contains the serial number of the physical machine.
This code is logged in a database, along with the product's serial number or bar code.
EPC coding schemes typically contain a serial number that can be used to uniquely identify a single object.
For instance, a device serial number field could contain the manufacturer's serial number, an asset tag number issued by the organization that installs it, or something completely different.
By default, when the HMC discovers a new piece of hardware, it automatically generates and assigns a managed system name that is composed of the hardware model number, model type, and serial number.
Should a bank want to, it would be able to match every note it issued with the serial number printed on it.
Correlation is used to address specific instances using application level data, such as the travel approval request of a person based on employee serial number.
An important feature of an MES upgrade is that the systems serial number does not change.
I also knew that the system serial number was guaranteed not to change, so I wasn't going to have application licensing problems because the system ID had changed.
It is important to remember that the matching of certificates in the CRL is based on the unique serial number of the certificate and not on the DN.
You won't have to stop what you are doing to enter in the latest acronym or employee serial number mentioned in the meeting to find out the associated data.
Since this example USES a serial number '0' for the ca's self-signed certificate, this field shows a value of 0.
It's like giving each drug container its own serial number that will be associated with that container for the life of the product.
The URL contains the device's identifier which is comprised of the device's serial number appended to the manufacturer name (RIM)
Also, nc: ConveyanceType already has most of the properties I need, such as serial number and description.
Ausearch will correlate the related records using the serial number and present them as a group.
Ausearch will correlate the related records using the serial number and present them as a group.