Don't keep anything that doesn't serve multiple purposes in your home.
Because it is the initial gateway to a program, the user interface must be able to serve multiple purposes.
In addition, if the XML counterpart is closer to the source it's more possible to serve multiple purposes as demanded by the source.
Christmas bells will soon ring, the pace of the New Year will also be unannounced, Huxiang car to quality, affordable, gift, allowing you to serve multiple purposes!
We are convinced that such a collection of digital reproductions, containing a balanced mixture of interlinked visual and textual information, can serve multiple purposes.
In addition, as the XMLizing process tries to maintain as much semantic affinity to the source as possible, the generated XML counterparts can serve multiple purposes if needed, not limited to XSLT.
Some components, such as data resources, may serve many purposes and participate, at different times, in multiple distributed solutions.
Some components, such as data resources, may serve many purposes and participate, at different times, in multiple distributed solutions.