Whitworth will serve on the compensation committee, which will need to address shareholder concerns raised in this year's vote against the company's pay practices.
Repeat after me: “Mr. X, I am so flattered by the invitation to serve on your committee.
They are among a group of Hollywood and fashion figures, which also includes the actors Forest Whitaker and Edward Norton, who will serve as members of Mr Obama's Committee on Arts and the Humanities.
There are lots of ways to do this. You can volunteer to serve on a committee with the people you need to know, for example.
If you don’t have to time to commit to a new project, complete a favor, or serve on another committee, it’s a good idea to just say “no.”
Two related Federal Register notices are being published, one announcing the establishment of the new advisory committee and the other requesting nominations for members to serve on the committee.
He at once appointed an AD hoc committee on blood and blood derivatives to serve in an advisory capacity to him.
If you don't have to time to commit to a new project, complete a favor, or serve on another committee, it's a good idea to just say "no."
You can volunteer to serve on a committee with the people you need to know, for example. You can forward them articles or information that relate to their expertise.
The CHPO Steering Committee invites representatives of umbrella organizations of patient advocacy groups to serve on the Committee.
The CHPO Steering Committee invites representatives of umbrella organizations of patient advocacy groups to serve on the Committee.