Roadside service-bing Maps interoperability and GPS capability help users to find nearby tow services and gas stations, anywhere, anytime, without even having to specify their location.
路旁服务-利用Bing Maps和GPS的功能能帮助用户在任何时间任何地点找到最近的拖车服务、加油站,甚至都不需要确切知道他们的当时所在。
What is the private on-line service Dow provides to customers for communication with Dow from anywhere at anytime?
Collaborative virtual reference service could provide the professional reference service to users anywhere anytime through an international network of libraries.
The service delivers a Barcelona map, weather, concierge information, and multimedia games, all of which are automatically updated and cached for anytime, anywhere viewing.
Enterprise must provide more abundant service to meet customers' need for services anytime and anywhere, at the same time to let customers according to their own way to enjoy service.
People want to share the computing resource and information service anywhere and anytime, so the Pervasive computing is a novel computing model which satisfies this requirement.
Web information mobile search is the further development of tradition Internet search, which can support individuation information service at anytime and anywhere.
What information, regardless of needs, we may through the handset turning on Internet, enjoy each kind of service anytime and anywhere.
First, ensure supply channel specification, the second is to ensure that customers received uninterrupted service anytime, anywhere.
Company use of modern business management concepts, and thus the formation has a nationwide sales and service network, anytime, anywhere to provide quality products and services.
MPDBU Products create TV Anywhere-Anytime not only possible but enable it as a compelling experience for customers of any Service Provider in any part of the world.
MPDBU Products create TV Anywhere-Anytime not only possible but enable it as a compelling experience for customers of any Service Provider in any part of the world.