On top of that, FlowNet had built-in quality-of-service guarantees for streaming video.
它甚至提供了一个内建的可保证画 面质量的视频流媒体服务。
This service guarantees that the United States of America shall forever remain the last, best hope on Earth.
Using a service guarantees that the operation will have at least "service process" priority, regardless of what happens to the activity.
The improved RED mechanism makes the DVB gateway to achieve higher transmission efficiency and ensures the quality of service guarantees.
First, the number of passengers keeps growing, increasing by 100 million from 2015, whichincreases the challenges of transport capacity and service guarantees.
Too many exceptions can cause a client to choose a competitor's SLA Web services that offer fewer exceptions, more uptime in business operations, and better service guarantees.
That was actually my next question: is performance part of the contract? It does seem that performance is important in the contract sense. People want quality of service guarantees.
In fixed Broadband Width Access (BWA) system, providing quality of service guarantees for various kinds of traffic with different QOS requirement is a very important and challenging task.
Whitebox manufacturers enjoy a cost advantage as they do not do any product safety tests and do not offer any guarantees or after-sales service.
The service provider guarantees that the services it provides will be available for a certain percentage of time (for example, 99.9%).
The encryption guarantees the data confidentiality on the topic, because only the service provider owning the right private key can perform decryption correctly and, thus, understand the data.
Quality control not only guarantees service quality delivered to clients, but also provides translators with helpful and meaningful rewards for enhancing their comprehension skills.
This is because the law now guarantees minimum service on public transport and in schools on strike days, and workers who down tools are no longer paid.
The company planned on Monday to announce fare Guard, a service that guarantees that an airfare listed on the site will remain valid for a week, or Farecast will make up the difference.
These SLAs will include quality of service (QoS) guarantees (setting guaranteed levels of response time, reliability, etc.), exception rules, and penalties for violation of guarantees.
这些SLA将包括服务质量(qualityof service,QoS)保证(设置响应时间、可靠性等等的保证级别)、异常规则以及违反保证的惩罚。
A coarse-grained interface guarantees that the service requesters will use the service in a consistent manner.
It also guarantees that Western companies will enjoy maintenance and support roles when the planes go into service.
Thus Labour's manifesto offers an “activist industrial strategy”, some (modest) enhancements of the welfare safety-net and legal “guarantees” of public-service performance.
On the other hand, the Permanent Fund guarantees the future of Rotary International service, and the perpetuity of our Foundation.
The J2EE environment and the JMS provide a number of quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees. For example
J2EE环境和JMS提供了许多服务质量 (QoS) 保证。
Quality of service (QOS) - Specific performance guarantees for cable modem and other high-speed services.
The exaltation of the service ability musts to support with guarantees the principle conduct and actions of the knowledge right of the citizen guides the thought.
The core professional equipment: the service for all core professional equipment includes "three guarantees" implemented by original factories, with time limit of two year.
Quality of service - Specific performance guarantees for cable modem and other high-speed services.
The research production can provide technology guarantees for mobile communication operator to implement value added security service.
A common logistics strategy guarantees high quality service, even though it can be difficult to say exactly what we mean by "high quality logistics".
Min-Max estimate mechanism based on the equivalent bandwidth and bound bandwidth, composed with the measurement mechanism, it controls the packet lost, guarantees the quality of service.
The article also links to the reality, pointed has analyzed the cheat exception basic condition as well as guarantees cashing in the letter of credit service the cheat question.
The article also links to the reality, pointed has analyzed the cheat exception basic condition as well as guarantees cashing in the letter of credit service the cheat question.