The root user can restart the network using service network restart on the OS messages console as shown in Listing 1.
根用户可以在操作系统消息控制台上使用命令service network restart重启网络,如清单1所示。
You can then restart the network and make sure routes shows this IP going through eth1 using service network restart.
然后您可以使用service network restart 重新启动网络并确保路由器显示此IP通过eth1。
If the migration is a ‘cold’ migration (service is passivised and offline during migration), OCCI’s features to stop and restart the virtual machines, network resources, etc. can be used.
This will require network service restart, as follows: /etc/init.d/network restart.
这需要网络服务重新启动,如下所示: /etc/init.d/network restart。
This will require network service restart, as follows: /etc/init.d/network restart.
这需要网络服务重新启动,如下所示: /etc/init.d/network restart。