Besides improve service quality, on the basis of own core competence, DACHSER should proceed special service to improve own compete advantages.
It's really designed to be a news service to improve the way that people are reading their articles online, to create a more engaging experience for them so they consume more content.
As a result, businesses are much more accountable, often in very specific ways, which creates powerful incentives to improve service.
It could be better to improve the public service or cut the price of energy use in daily life.
According to Facebook's vice-president Elliot Scharage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don't share information, they have a less satisfying experience.
Our business won't improve unless we offer better service to our customers.
To improve transparency we introduced the notion of service component types, each suited for a developer with a given set of skills, performing a specific task, and using a certain tool.
To improve security, we recommend that you install the index data service in the data layer.
Companies that handle returns effectively-by working with customers to resolve service issues-can actually improve a customer's loyalty to their firm.
We are adding MRT lines and buses, to improve public transport service standards.
Identify groups that require alternative service delivery models, for example, targeted services or care coordination to improve access to health care.
The crisis highlighted the need for countries to protect core spending, strengthen safety nets for the poor, improve service delivery and move toward a greener growth path.
Make the necessary changes to improve service or else you may find yourself with fewer customers (and eventually, out of business).
Finalists incorporate technologies to improve governance and service delivery; others use media to tell stories of conflict-affected groups.
You can help us to improve the service by letting us know what you think of the app.
Intermediation to simplify the creation of RESTful APIs with both XML and JSON content from various internal service types with powerful paging and caching to improve app performance.
One customer is using Lotus Connections Activities in the Procurement department to improve customer service and speed up orientation of new vendors or employees.
From the Web services resource analyzer, you can use the information as inputs to the Web service performance analyzer to determine alternative ways to improve performance.
Dwyer and Tanner (2006) note that business marketers not only use the Internet to improve customer service but also to improve opportunities with distributors.
Dwyer andTanner(2006)指出企业营销人员不仅用因特网改进客户服务还利用它拉近和分销商的关系。
Earlier this month the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission decided Verizon's customer service "stinks" and sought a settlement to improve customer service.
The phone probably assured you that it would collect your data "anonymously," and that it would send the information back to the carrier or phone manufacturer to "improve your service."
We absolutely do care about this (decision by Motorola) because we need wifi [sic] data collection in order to maintain and improve our wifi location service.
Google exploits information that is a by-product of user interactions, or data exhaust, which is automatically recycled to improve the service or create an entirely new product.
Splitting apart the units and introducing competition was meant to increase transparency, reduce misuse of the assets and improve service.
I'm writing in response to your invitation to guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.
In order to improve overall performance, a service consumer caches endpoint information.
I feel strongly that there are two key issues that must be addressed to improve service delivery and enhance treatment outcomes.
You need to consider three things to improve service uptime availability.
You need to consider three things to improve service uptime availability.