Another characteristic that can set memorandums apart from letters is the inclusion of humor.
Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
You'd want to avoid anything that might set you apart from your neighbors, the same people you might need to help you someday.
Design debt can be set apart, by tagging it with a "design-debt" designation, or by using a distinct work item type.
The idea that reading is somehow an activity set apart from life isn't very historically accurate.
Then, also, the blameless purity of her life during all these years in which she had been set apart to infamy, was reckoned largely in her favour.
But just like with computers, Apple's set itself apart in the tablet market that it created.
By "difficult," it is meant, I think, well, first of all that it is in some sense set apart from common speech, as a specialized and highly self-conscious use of language.
In addition to her features, her heavily accented Putonghua set her apart from her classmates.
That set her apart from some other relatives of Flight 103 victims.
Easter island is set apart by the wondrous stone statues, called moai, that silently watch over the island's serene landscape.
All these set it apart from other German clubs, which in many respects are set in old-fashioned ways.
Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord will hear when I call to him.
It felt rather set apart from the usual circuit of XML conferences, and I think this is an important advantage in that it brings a distinct perspective to the use of XML in practice.
The small public space offers a quiet resting area set apart from the crowded sidewalks of a busy shopping district.
Then in the course of her illness she was taken for a boat trip on the river, and on her return a room on the third storey of the inner apartments was set apart for her.
Aaron was set apart, he and his descendants forever, to consecrate the most holy things, to offer sacrifices before the Lord, to minister before him and to pronounce blessings in his name forever.
And Abimelech asked Abraham, "What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs you have set apart by themselves?"
The half belonging to the Israelites, which Moses set apart from that of the fighting men.
Light to point light illumination combining flood lighting is given priority to, because of the different function set apart.
36what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, 'I am God's Son'?
The first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence — a time set apart.
Regardless of her company, the initiate of the draconic mysteries remains a strange and wondrous individual, set apart from others of her race by her pursuit of ancient secrets.
Subculture are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.
The concepts of male and female therefore are not set apart, forever divided by a gender gap, but are viewed as two polarities that meet and merge in every human being.
The pleasantest room in the house was set apart for Beth, and in it was gathered everything that she most loved, flowers, pictures, her piano, the little worktable, and the beloved pussies.
家里最舒适的屋子被腾出来给贝思,她最喜欢的东西都集中到那间屋子里- - -花朵、图画、她的钢琴、小工作桌以及得宠的猫咪们。
The little Leymaire house was set apart at the very end of the village, so that an hour later only a neighbor saw the thin soldier with burning eyes when he slipped into the garden.
Despite a very tight schedule, everyone who came to the meeting agreed that at least one day should be set apart for sightseeing.
A term indicating machines, microprocessor, programs, or procedures that are designed or set apart for special or continued use.
A term indicating machines, microprocessor, programs, or procedures that are designed or set apart for special or continued use.