Set up the environment variable ROO-DEV in your system settings, which should point to the bootstrap folder within the Roo project.
A related point concerns the personal growth rhythm we set for ourselves, to take care of ourselves and our marriages.
Cedar Point set out to market itself as "The Roller Coaster Capital of the World" with several record breakers over the next decade.
Walking up a path through the forest towards Shutlingsloe, a local high point, I came across a small clearing and immediately noticed the dead yellow grasses set against the fresh snow.
沿着一条穿过森林的小路向当地的高地 Shutlingsloe 走去,无意间我来到了一小块空地,随即立刻注意到在新雪映衬下的枯黄的草。
The purpose of a tuning indicator is to show when the set has been tuned exactly to this point.
If humidity not within the set point, turn on external ventilation.
In the monetarist model that he practiced, money growth beyond a pre-set point was inflation.
Yes, meditation can make us happier because it can change the set point of our emotional thermostat.
That is, can we alter the set-point of our emotional thermostat through meditation?
Half the pie is the genetic set point. The smallest slice is circumstances, which explain only about 10 percent of people's differences in happiness.
We all have an emotional thermostat. There is an emotional 'set-point' around which our daily mood swings.
The researchers suggest a new measure of happiness that takes into account both set-point theory, as well as lifestyle, preferences and choices.
But sooner or later we will return to our emotional set-point.
Each of us is born with a genetically coded happiness "set point" which is not based entirely on what happens to us.
The widely accepted "set-point" theory of happiness says that an individual's long-term happiness tends to be stable because it depends mainly on genetic factors.
为公众所广泛接受的幸福“设定点”(set - point)理论认为,个人的长期幸福趋于稳定,因为其很大程度上取决于基因因素。
This "set-point theory" argues that an obese person's body will actually "defend" an excessive weight.
“调定点理论”(set - pointtheory)认为,肥胖人士的身体实际上可以“抵御”过多的体重。
But Dr. McCarron called the measurements reliable and said they could be explained by the set-point theory.
When the input voltage is higher than the overvoltage set point of the machine, the machine immediately shut down, and then red light flashes.
But no matter where you fall, there are ways to bump up your happiness level. Here's how to boost your set point.
Others have a higher set-point that allows them to experience sunnier moods.
其他的人有一个更高的点允许她们去感受更阳光的情绪。 我很幸运因为我的固定值在幸福范围内。
The author points out: but the first set point out at the same time in Asia: the situation is not completely outbreak of violent chaos!
There are a variety of thermostats available and a set point must be specified at the time of ordering.
The dynamic and static performance index is greatly improved through decreasing quantization errors and combining with PI controller that operate nearby set point.
In addition, optimal set-point control method is applied into this system, quality of sewage and production cost have been improved and decreased greatly.
The Fairchild model 2800 Plunger Operated Regulator is designed for applications requiring more rapid set point adjustment over the pressure range of the unit than conventional control knob models.
Optimal set-point control method is applied into this system, production cost and quality of sewage have been decreased and improved greatly.
When the humidity level drops to about 7% below the set point, the humidistat will activate to replenish the loss of humidity.
When the humidity level drops to about 7% below the set point, the humidistat will activate to replenish the loss of humidity.