Each unit is constructed from a ribbed timber frame set upon Douglas fir stilts and then clad in English chestnut shingles.
Overall, the strike is an effort to provide more secondary compensation along with other concerns, such as transparency upon hiring talent and on-set safety precautions.
When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife.
These elements define various clustering parameters controlling how the underlying WADI's components are wired and set-up upon application deployment.
Hopefully they still agree on the service use cases, so they can start again from there, developing an agreed-upon set of tests and mocks.
They must resynchronize on a newly agreed upon set of mocks and tests.
These characteristics put a lot of emphasis and visibility on creating a commonly agreed-upon set of business requirements, with buy-in from all stakeholders.
The clay was taken from the furnace and set down upon a board, in the cool air, under the blue sky.
Video clips taken from the helicopter showed the individual commandos set upon by men with iron bars and wooden poles as they landed on deck.
So on through all that night; and when, at dawn of the next day, the last of Israel's host set foot upon the other shore, the work of the stormy wind was done.
两旁是水晶的墙,前面是耶和华的荣光。 终夜都是这样;到了天一亮,最后一个以色列人也上了岸,大东风的使命便完成了。
An agreed-upon common set of coding standards ensured consistency.
Again, local policy must be set based upon corporate tolerance for wider synchronization intervals.
It's okay to set goals and upon re-evaluating to either drop them or alter the direction.
They accused the friends of belonging to a rival gang and, when Walentin denied it, set upon the two.
The stars were set upon a blue field, in the words of the Congress’s resolution, “representing a new constellation” in the night sky.
The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.
And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them.
Last Tuesday, in a separate attack on the same mountain, another rambler was set upon by the cows, suffering wounds in the back of the head, face and arms and legs.
He will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.
StarCraft II is set to build upon the ground set by its predecessor and raise the play — as well as the demand — to another level.
About a dozen have been set upon in the past month alone, including a Ukrainian freighter packed with tanks, antiaircraft guns and other heavy weaponry, which was brazenly seized in September.
But these hopes are set upon the young, only on the condition that, instead of remaining as they are, they undertake the stern labor of mind.
At present that same urge pushes you onwards, as you have your sights set upon taking the opportunity to leave duality.
At last, when one of his huge feet came within an inch of King Lion's nose, the animals were so disgusted that they set upon the Camel in a rage and drove him out into the desert.
The difference is that the former puts forward the proof of eternal validity of inductive principle and the later holds the rationality of inductive principle being set upon human belief.
The difference is that the former puts forward the proof of eternal validity of inductive principle and the later holds the rationality of inductive principle being set upon human belief.