It's much wise to set aside some time to accompany parents or do something more meaningful.
Start making some cheap and healthy food. Set aside some time each day to just relax and do nothing.
Set aside some time each week to make sure your planner includes events that are important to your spouse and children.
Set aside some time every week where you can work on your relationships, your health, recreation and your spiritual self.
Set aside some time to reflect on your career history and to plot your career road map, based on your strengths and passions.
New way: set aside some time for yourself and make it a rule in your house that nobody disturbs you when you are working out.
Be sure to set aside some time to spend with other people, and take advantage of social opportunities that present themselves to you.
As one of the class leaders, I have to set aside some time to deal with class 'business, and spend a lot of time in studying at the same time.
If you need to produce ideas for a specific project, set aside some time to brainstorm with a romantic partner or with the partner you usually collaborate with on the project.
Each week, media sensation Tracy Pendergast and TSJ's managing editor, Adam Tod Brown, set aside some time in their busy schedules to answer your questions in a feature we've cleverly named "Ask TSJ."
If it's overly structured, set aside time for blowing off some steam.
For some people, this is a defined pile of cash to burn through, for others it is a period of time you set aside to see if your business will work.
I will set aside regular time for reading. For example, they can read for about thirty minutes, and then they must do some sports.
All that is required is a bit of imagination and some time set aside for fun.
Step 3: Set aside some TRUE alone time with no distractions to focus and figure out what you love to do by asking yourself the right questions.
But I also hope that as you do so, you'll take some time to reflect on what Memorial day is all about; on why we set this day aside as a time of national remembrance.
Every day something unexpected is going to happen. Count on it! So, set aside some "Oops time!" Don't.
Every day something unexpected is going to happen. Count on it! So, set aside some "Oops time!" Don't.