Yet its report may well set back reform by obscuring the depth and breadth of the challenge that Congress asked it to illuminate.
This organization warns this progress could be set back if measures are not taken to reverse the rise in obesity among young people.
Our grapes survived but were set back significantly.
The walls are set back from the edge of the roof to cover this outdoor area.
It's also necessary to specify the return type. Here I ask for a node-set back.
Thousands of aftershocks have set back efforts to clear roads to quake-hit areas.
They encouraged secret efforts to set back Iran’s research and production schedules.
They encouraged secret efforts to set back Iran's research and production schedules.
The opening was set back again in March when a ceiling collapsed in the arrivals area.
Upper parts of the building structure had to be set back due to various legal limitations.
WHO officials believe the food price crisis could set back progress in reducing poverty by seven years.
The drastic step of halting vehicle production in America is sure to set back that aim for a long while.
There is no certainty, moreover, about how far military strikes can set back the nuclear programme, if at all.
Yet even as we have maintained our military advantage, our competitiveness has been set back in recent years.
A failure or set back does not mean that the goal will never be yours, nor is it evidence that you should quit.
In this case, the new meeting service configuration is recorded in the component, and the view mode is set back to view.
But, it warns this progress could be set back if measures are not taken to reverse the rise in obesity among young people.
Correspondingly, after the user changes the information, it must be extracted from the GUI components and set back in the domain model.
If requested, the rear perforations on the transverse edge can be set back and the edge can be finished to match the face of the plank.
All this tiny service does is define an API to set a value of any type which can be altered, retrieved or set back to its initial value.
Set back in an area of the building that receives less natural light, raised wooden flooring defines a second space with tables for larger parties.
And even if an attack succeeded in penetrating all of Iran's underground sites-a big if-it could do no more than set back Iran's ambitions temporarily.
Consecutive cold, wet summers, the worst conditions in almost two decades, have set back recovery, with the number of males dropping from 1, 200 to 850.
Inside the boundary wall the simple finish continues - glass curtain walls broken up only by wooden doors and shutters are set back under an overhanging roof.
The default color of white would not appear correctly when initialized and wouldn't show up until a state change had been triggered and then was set back to default.
If local people, who walk for miles every day to clear forests, were infected with a drug-resistant form of malaria, it could set back recent successes to control the disease.
It is important for the us to negotiate an agreement it can join, because another agreement that did not involve the United States would set back efforts to protect the climate.
While in the nighttime, this material will give the opposite outcome since it will illuminate itself and spread the light out because the original single layer wall has no set back space.
While in the nighttime, this material will give the opposite outcome since it will illuminate itself and spread the light out because the original single layer wall has no set back space.