What comes to the Faith Council is advancing some of the priority areas that the President has set forth, one of which is interfaith cooperation.
One, set forth by Aristotle in the fourth century B.C., sees humans as naturally imitative—as taking pleasure in imitating persons, things, and actions and in seeing such imitations.
This document attempts to set forth your wishes for different medical scenarios.
He set forth from the Canaries in a rubber dinghy, with all food on board locked away.
In the ABA Model Rules of Professional Con — duct, that duty is set forth in Rule 1.6.
The CTF supports those countries that are still backing the renewable energy plans they set forth.
The targets for saving energy and reducing pollutant emissions were set forth in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan.
The JDBC 3.0 specification is set forth primarily to round out the feature set of prior JDBC specifications.
设计JDBC 3.0规范的初衷主要是让原先的JDBC规范下的功能更加完美。
Uptime availability begins to slide down from the guaranteed level set forth in a service level agreement (SLA).
Because the amendment tries to govern social behavior, he said, "some details cannot be set forth very clearly."
Then she had her mutilated arms tied to her back, and at sunrise she set forth, walking the entire day until it was night.
The principles set forth in the previous section make a lot of sense for stuff that's already available as computer data.
At these minor milestones, progress is assessed against the goals and objectives set forth by the team in the iteration plan.
When he had made answer to Croesus in wordslike these, they afterwards set forth provided with chosen young men andwith dogs.
An invitation for submission of bid shall clearly contain the particulars set forth in Paragraph 2 of Article 16 of this Law.
Article 52 a conciliation statement shall set forth the arbitration claims and the results of the agreement between the parties.
Number of users and data requests were also below the threshold level as set forth in the user and data requests threshold policies.
The policy will be set forth in a ruling to be issued Wednesday by the Labor Department's wage and hour division, the officials said.
The received date of the goods in Buyer's receiving system shall occur as set forth in Section 2 "Prices and Payments" of Appendix 2.
Intense time pressures to build and deploy services leaves very little room for error in meeting business goals set forth for SOA projects.
Given this information, WebSphere eXtreme Scale maps that to the available grid members and enforces the policies set forth in the configuration.
The Alliance will seek to spur country action implementing the ten-year health workforce plan set forth in the world health report 2006: Working together for health.
The Alliance will seek to spur country action implementing the ten-year health workforce plan set forth in the world health report 2006: Working together for health.