I set off on this trip with the vague expectation that three months of navel-gazing would clear my head of the frustration, that is for me at least, the constant shadow of middle age.
So the week after Easter we set off by bike on a four-day trip to Wimpfen, Amorbach, and Miltenberg.
His father decided he should cash-in on Wolfgang's talents, so the family set off - on a trip which took them to London and Paris.
While the on-line shopping is gearing with global businesses, shopping fever that chasing after and keeping trying fashion, please now set off for a fantastic shopping trip!
While the on-line shopping is gearing with global businesses, shopping fever that chasing after and keeping trying fashion stuff, please now set off for a fantastic shopping trip!
One day Mr. Mallard decided he'd like to take a trip to see what the rest of the river was like, further on… So off he set.
By now, a rocket will have set off on its 35 million mile trip to Mars and scientists must be waiting anxiously for the results.
The two set off on a road trip through the South with visions of winning back what has been lost.
The two set off on a road trip through the South with visions of winning back what has been lost.