But these form allow an administrator to be an user set package license, or a group of application connect the form that distributes accord with.
Set the catalog cache, package cache, and log buffer size to an appropriate size to improve performance.
For further flexibility, dynamic SQL allows for changing this option within a plan or package by the SET CURRENT DEGREE statement, which controls the value in a special register.
You can set diagram Preferences so that whenever you create a new UML Package in a model, a Main diagram is automatically created and set as the default diagram for that Package.
The default Settings in Preferences for the products under discussion are that a free-form diagram is created and set as the default diagram of each new Package.
It contains a whole new set of package releases, a new kernel, new graphical desktops, etc.
After creating the property set profile, it is to be applied to a model or package.
Most of the tools allow a package to namespace mapping, but this must be explicitly set during the execution of the tool.
The default NULLID package set is used to execute dynamic SQL statements.
A rating package is a set of rules that associates subscription and usage meter events with a fee.
A domain package is a set of classes that collaborate among themselves to support a cohesive set of contracts that can be considered black boxes.
When the price of a television set or software package goes up, demand for it generally falls. When the price of a financial asset rises, demand generally increases.
Set up the FTP server and uncompress the firmware tar package into the ftp directory.
设置FTP服务器并将固件tar压缩包解压缩到 ftp 目录。
Lotus Symphony lets an administrator set key preferences when installing the package.
At the time it was released, it contained what the Red hat package maintainers judged was the most secure, most stable, most robust package set available.
With packages such as Apache, you'll still need to configure your installation after the package has been set up.
The Generate a custom portlet class option is selected, and the default Package prefix is set to com.ibm.flexwebservice and the default class prefix is set to FlexWebServicePortlet.
选择了Generateacustomportletclass选项,默认的Packageprefix被设置为com . ibm . flexwebservice,默认的class prefix被设置为FlexWebServicePortlet。
The Dojo Toolkit provides a core set of libraries, and rich set of different package libraries, and each one provides specific functions.
The distribution package repository and IBM packages repository must be set up on the server by the System Tools.
Also added were a set of APIs and third party services, and a solid support and hosting package.
That feature depends on the package's dependencies being well thought out and properly set up in the package.
To set up a development environment, you need to download the package shown in Table 1.
You can update a package or set of packages in two ways: automatically search for and apply the latest updates or manually select the updates to apply.
An OVF package can be represented as a set of files or as a single file using the TAR format.
The current debt limit is $12,104bn, a figure set in February as part of the stimulus package.
Make sure your due diligence package is all set in every possible way by the time you sign the binding Letter of Intent so that that can't be an excuse for any company to back out.
Specifically, you will set up the directory structure, package it into a WAR file, and then deploy it on a running WebSphere Application Server.
具体来说,您将设置目录结构、将其打包为WAR文件,然后将其部署到正在运行的WebSphere Application Server上。
Debugging: Edit the log4j.properties file to set per-package debugging levels.
调试:编辑log4j .properties文件来设置每包的调试级别。
The second is that, when you install the openssh-server package, you are prompted to set a new root password.
To actually use SQLObject, you need to set up a database package and the Python interface to that type of database.