You can drag and drop fields to make new tables, and to move fields between tables. You can also rename the tables, and set primary key fields.
An entity's primary key is the attribute or set of attributes that distinguish one instance of the entity from another.
After an XMLToSQL is created, primary key columns and target columns are set. The following sample class illustrates these steps.
As a result, if you rely on database sequences (such as for automatic primary key generation), it's likely that an identical primary key will show up across a set of databases.
You can use dynamic relationships to correlate primary keys from a set of related business objects and static relationships to correlate non-primary key properties.
This method takes three parameters, the primary key, the action performed on the table (create, update, delete) and a result set.
Dynamic relationships are typically used to correlate primary keys from a set of related business objects, whereas static relationships are typically used to correlate non-primary key properties.
This is used to set the record's primary key and it serves as a signal to Doctrine that the record being processed already exists in the database.
这用于设置记录的主键,该主键用作针对Doctrine 的一个标记,表明正在处理的记录已经存在于数据库中。
Make a separate table for each set of related attributes, and give each table a primary key. Each field contains at most one value from its attribute domain.
This model decomposes a nested relational schema into a set of atomic schemas, each of them constitutes of a primary key or a primary key plus a non-primary attribute.
If the source table doesn't include a primary key or clustered index, the tool can automatically add a ROWID column and set the clustered index on the column during the conversion.
If the source table doesn't include a primary key or clustered index, the tool can automatically add a ROWID column and set the clustered index on the column during the conversion.