You can also set policies that control access to our SQS queue based on date, time, and source IP Address, as in Listing 2.
If you verify the result in the portal Web site, you can see that the Currency, Date, and Time are set to Chinese format, while Length and Weight are set to metric format.
ODFDOM is able to provide not only the appropriate means to set date and time formats, but also some special style classes for many kinds of formats.
ODFDOM 不仅提供合适的方法来设置日期和时间格式,还有一些特别的类用于这种格式。
The component selection mechanism is based on some defined set of criteria, data or logic (such as current date and time).
Includes a rich set of functions to test access control requirements, such as the user's IP address, time and date, or whether the user's name appears in a given list.
This is a timestamp that is set by the Lotus script code to the current date and time whenever the conditions above apply and an automatic CSLD retrieval job is created.
Use the Data filter to set criteria for all metric types except Date and Date/Time.
使用数据过滤器针对除Date和 Date/Time 之外的所有指标类型设置条件。
XMLGregorianCalendar objects are mutable, and therefore you can simply set any of the date or time fields directly on the object.
Entries and objects will set their published date to the current date (using the PHP time function) by default. Listing 6 shows the base class for entries.
To begin, date is set to the current date and time and yields a string like 2009-08-23T12:32:18, which identifies the backup uniquely.
首先,把date设置为当前日期和时间,产生 2009-08-23T12:32:18这样的字符串,它惟一地标识备份。
With the wizard, you select a set of time report documents by date range and other criteria.
For example, a news page can be described with a set of keywords, geo location, date, time, people, and categories.
Optionally, you can set the default follow up date and time, and also set an alarm.
Remember how we used to have to work around them? Remember the time you sent Harry off to school even though he had a fever, because you and I had a date set up?
You can also set up any of these tasks and the closing time and date of their commencement.
Please refer to Steps 2 to 3 in "Step 2: Setting the Clock" to set the date and time.
Use this to your advantage, and set up reminders for important things you'd like to take time for: connecting with old friends, scheduling a date with your partner.
Then, set a date and time for follow up so the other person knows you're taking him serious.
What it also does is it allows you to set the machine's date and time .
The Human Resources Performance Pay Dispute Coordinator will set the date and time of the hearing and the employee and management representative will be notified of the date and time of the hearing.
On the set date, an hour before the client's bed time, she arrives at their home, puts on her pajamas and lays on their bed for an hour.
Users can set a timer to shutdown their PC after specific time duration or for a specific date and time.
Please set the date aside and start saving to come up to Beijing and have the time of your life!
All of the clarified standards will carry the same effective date, which will be set far enough in the future to give firms enough time to update their methodologies and training programs.
Set the desired time and date, then click the OK button to display the map for the new time.
Unfasten the R. A. clamp and turn the telescope around the polar axis to set the observing date on the date graduation ring to the observing time on the R. A. and hour graduation ring.
Time is very precious and the most suitable set a date early in the morning or lunch in one or two hours.
Time is very precious and the most suitable set a date early in the morning or lunch in one or two hours.