If you have space, set up a homework "office" anywhere at home with a table or desk and a comfortable chair.
If you're a musician, you may want to set up a home recording studio.
Now that Enrique would like to set up a home in Liuzhou, my friend is his right.
By the time he was eleven, he had set up a home-made telegraph and was practicing the Morse Code.
In order to successfully set up a home, the first step is the calculation of their economic strength.
We think every young couple should set up a home of their won, and we pity the couple who must share their home with a parent, let alone with other relatives.
Later, my mom and I set up a dinner club that organized monthly events inside my home.
They have decided to set up a group to help the stay-at-home children.
He had set up a rod in his home in St Petersburg to studylightning strikes, but he got more than he bargained for when a pale blue ballof fire emerged from the rod and struck him in the head.
Her call for a regional processing centre for asylum-seekers to be set up in Timor-Leste has won little support abroad, if any. And the policy at home has begun to unravel.
Besides the key combinations shown in Table 3, cursor movement keys such as the right, left, up, and down arrows, and the Home and End keys are usually set to work in a logical way.
I believe he was right: the universe was indeed set up to provide a home for life, even if it evolved through a process of natural selection, with no need for outside interference.
From the looks of these pics, it looks like a tiny little family has moved into this warm and cozy computer living room and set up their home.
Then there are the oddballs; Saudi Arabia plans to set up a state fund to buy farmland in poor countries to meet rising food demand at home.
When I got home, we helped a group of unemployed sheet-metal workers set up businesses and cooperate in cost-sharing and marketing as I had observed Italian leatherworkers and furniture makers doing.
An entrepreneurial young grocer who had lost his home and shop had set up a market stall out of a pick-up truck.
It may look like a wooden tank from the outside, but inside it's got enough speakers to dwarf any home theater set up.
If you don't have a room that you can turn into a home office, you can set up shop at the kitchen table, although this is not ideal.
My address for my mail is set to my parents' home, then forwarded to wherever I live, if I choose to do so (or I just wait and go back & pick it up, gives me a reason to see my parents).
To enable the deployment manager to be located on the backup system ( we need to set up what's called a multi-home DNS entry.
He grew up in a well-appointed brick home with a wooden swing set in the backyard.
The firm plans to offer optional solar-photoelectric systems, to be set up as a car port at home, that will be able to power the cars for 80km a day without having to draw on the grid.
I bet a lot of people continued to write machine language until the processor, like a bartender eager to close up and go home, finally kicked them out by switching to a RISC instruction set.
Linux on POWER offers you a high-performance home for applications that need to take a step up to more robust hardware, while providing a full set of hardware and software resources.
You may think you've got a pretty good widescreen set-up at home, but nothing comes close to Nasa's hyperwall-2.
When he got home, he set up a small fir tree and Shared the story with his children.
When he got home, he set up a small fir tree and Shared the story with his children.