In April the European Parliament forced the European Commission, which had been set to ratify the standard, to delay its vote pending further study.
On Sunday, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah granted women the right to vote and run in the next set of municipal elections, scheduled for 2015.
It is now worth more than its American namesake—a vote of confidence in an economy that seems set to stay strong. And that is because of the demand for Australia’s minerals.
He has promised to retire, and a June 5 poll shows the Irish are now set to approve the treaty 54 percent to 28 percent when they vote again in October.
Abdullah Abdullah, Mr Karzai's rival in the run-off vote, has set a deadline of October 31st for the overhaul of the country's electoral institutions.
Next year, Scots are set to vote on whether they want to stay in the U. K or to become an independent country.
In the case of Johnson, the Senate margin of one vote decision not to set up two-thirds majority required.
Tea set during the fight the audience vote, will each entry in the large sample tea cup, let the audience judge the scene and then a secret ballot.
Meanwhile, an online petition that has been set up to demand that the Electoral College vote in favour of Hillary Clinton has gathered three million signatures, the Express. Co. UK reported.
Your vote sent in a small group of WP MPs into Parliament and set off U-turns and reforms for a better Singapore.
In California, the State Board of Education plans to vote on August second to accept or reject a new set of standards.
In Han's Baidu post Bar, an online club set up by his supporters, a post that calls people to vote for Han in the Time magazine poll has been placed at the top.
People to vote for the lunch, the event set up text messaging, Internet and other ballot papers and received a total of nearly a million votes in time.
People to vote for the lunch, the event set up text messaging, Internet and other ballot papers and received a total of nearly a million votes in time.