Hangzhou is a beautiful and charming city. Setting foot on it makes you feel like in paradise.
Until 1988 setting foot on Africa for the first time, I then saw in this so-called barren land, that door.
A baby boy, discovered in 1900 on an ocean liner, grows into a musical prodigy, never setting foot on land.
Awed by the beauty of spectacular landscapes in faraway lands you would never even dream of setting foot on?
Upon setting foot on this mysterious land, visitors are amazed by their colorful and unique customs and practices.
Why can't great nations act in the same sensible way and take care of matters on earth before setting foot on the moon?
Now, just a decade later, I could if I so wished complete that same entire degree course without even setting foot on the university campus.
When the Greek ships reached the Trojan land at the outbreak of the war, a prophet declared that the first Greek setting foot on the enemy soil was doomed to die .
Research will be carried out prior to passengers setting foot on the tourist carriages, so that specific information can be passed out that can help guide the tourists.
When setting foot on the land of X University, I was shocked by both its nature beauty and its accumulation of culture, which are reflecting the true spirit of learning all the time.
Greeks and Roman myths focus overwhelmingly on this life; Egypt, with one foot in prehistory, looked over the horizon to the place where the setting sun vanished.
This week the boot was on the other foot, however, for I was at a memorial stone-setting ceremony and couldn't take my eyes off the handbag being carried by the principal mourner.
As such, the project that looks idyllic in a secluded setting gets activated on weekends by thousands of hikers and city dwellers that climb the 200 foot cliff to experience this expansive view.
Then half-slide your left foot to the middle, and half-slide again from the middle to: left:, while setting your right foot on: right:.
The 400,000 square foot, 10-story courthouse resides in a garden setting on a level terrace encompassing the entire city block including an existing, historic Federal Courthouse.
The 400,000 square foot, 10-story courthouse resides in a garden setting on a level terrace encompassing the entire city block including an existing, historic Federal Courthouse.