This includes making the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, preparing the vegetables (wash and cut), and also setting the table and cleaning the house.
At Mike and Debbie Wyche's place, preparations for mealtimes involve more than setting the table.
Just home from work, Daddy stopped in the kitchen where Mother was cooking supper and I was setting the table.
Help your child develop a sense of responsibility-ask him to help with household tasks, such as setting the table.
I don't want to step on people's toes so I've tried a few times to say, "do you know you're setting the table wrong?"
Initially, these tasks will be limited: setting the table, loading a dishwasher, cleaning POTS, sweeping the floor, washing Windows or painting fences.
An evening routine might include setting the table, eating dinner, playtime, bath time, snack, tooth brushing, three stories, ten kisses and lights out!
The host or hostess would surely appreciate a little help in the kitchen, setting the table, washing the dishes, or even help with keeping the kids occupied.
When setting the table, she occasionally encourages them to eat more in the local dialect. In her own way, she tries her best to help her son and daughter-in-law.
You can use the SQL statement in Listing 1 below to determine whether setting the table attribute value compression will save space for a table concerned by using the row format of value compression.
By default, templates set up replication for full rows of tables (all the columns in the table), because they are designed to facilitate setting up large-scale replication environments.
After that, we need edit TARGET_ITEMID parameter, setting the parameter's value so that it is derived from the top level WI_ITEMID column table.
在此之后,我们需要编辑TARGET _ ITEMID参数,设置参数的值,这样就可以从顶级层次wi_itemid列表格中获得该参数的值。
At Forward Operating Base Falcon, this table and place setting sit in the dining facility as a remembrance to soldiers killed in action.
The Cycle Table (.CDD) files are even higher-level files used for calling multiple SDD files and setting certain metadata.
CycleTable (.CDD)文件是更高层的文件,它用于调用多SDD文件并且设置一定的元数据。
Table 1 summarizes the command-line options for setting the classpaths of the three standard class loaders.
Therefore, based on the directory structure you implement in Table 1, set this setting to (&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=%t)(member=uid=%u,*)).
因此,根据表1中实现的目录结构,将该设置设为 (&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=%t)(member=uid=%u,*))。
The next step involves creating a metadata object and setting appropriate attributes to match the columns in the WebSphere Information Integrator table, nickname, or view that you want to use.
下一步包括创建元数据对象和设置适当的属性来匹配要使用的 DB2Information Integrator表、昵称或视图中的列。
Table 2 shows some examples of how to apply an application-wide setting in the application class.
The term Force Sync in the Service Invoke Table refers to a setting on the service invoke properties page.
ServiceInvoke表中的术语ForceSync指的是 Service invokeproperties页面上的一项设置。
Listing 4 USES Doctrine to perform a query for the records in the books database table, setting the result as a view variable for the IndexSuccessView.
These setting are found in the user Preferences and Location document on the user's workstation and are identified in table 2.
可以在用户工作站的UserPreferences andLocation文档中找到这些设置,如表2所示。
Merely setting the "Create menu item" and "Create palette entry" properties to "Yes" will not generate the tooling if the element is unchecked in the table at the top of the page.
仅仅将“Createmenuitem”和 “Createpaletteentry”属性设置为 “Yes” 将不会产生工具,如果页面顶部表格中的这个元素没有被复核。
The two criterions for setting up a workstation are migration policy and storage group. There are three collections by default, as shown in the following table.
I also used the projector in a house and in my office, setting it on a table and turning off the lights for the best view.
Customize the table properties by setting the depth to 5 (Figure 19).
'Many of us walk around with a default setting and a belief that to be a good negotiator you should use threats, anchoring, bluffing, banging the table and a general show of power,' Weiss said.
Mr. McCain prefers the town hall format to a more formal setting where candidates stand behind lecterns or sit at a table and take questions from a single moderator or a panel of journalists.
The steak knife is a dining knife used at a table setting when meats are served.
The steak knife is a dining knife used at a table setting when meats are served.