If, on the other hand, the shares have risen, he can settle up with the bank in cash.
I said, "Let me just concentrate on getting this done for you, and we'll settle up later."
Our father had thousands of dollars of debt and owed people favors, many of who looked at us to settle up.
I said, "Let me just concentrate on getting this done for you, and we'll settle up later. I trust you to be fair." She agreed.
When it's time to settle up, you won't get a bill: your waiter tells you the total and then you tell them how much you want to pay, including your "tip, " and hand over the money.
It has taken us two years to settle the loan, but at last we are paid up.
They may have to hang up their ropes and carabiners and settle for rambles in the foothills.
That did it. I threw my napkin to the floor, stood up, put my face right in his arrogant5) kisser and said, “How’d you like to settle this outside?”
我实在是忍无可忍了, 于是一把将餐巾扔到地上, 起身离席, 直盯着那小子傲慢的面孔说道:“你想不想到外面解决?”
After a long wait, some of them finally get to stay and settle down, while others have to pack up and leave for a new destination.
This gave everyone plenty of time to settle down before the market opened up again on Monday.
He twined himself up to her, as she half knelt by the settle, and converted her shoulder into a support.
Life is like a stirred-up lake: Allow it to calm and the mud will settle, clearing the water.
The lesson from America, Britain and elsewhere is that the more highly skilled people settle in very quickly and that many of the lower-skilled also catch up eventually.
Life is like a stirred-up lake: Allow it to calm and the mud will settle, clearing the water. The same is true for change.
So what I did to get my confidence up, to get my nerves to settle down, I rehearsed by apologizing to Tina Fey.
Even so, you'veprobably also run up against people who love your idealism, but warn you tolower your sights, to scale back your ambitions a bit, to settle for somethingless.
虽然如此,你可能已经遇到了一些人非常欣赏上你的理想主 义,但是同时也告诫你要放低你的眼光,稍稍丈量你的野心,把自己的梦想放低一些。
Special courts will be set up to settle land disputes: landholders will now have to prove they acquired their land legally.
MF Global has maintained that it didn't mislead anyone and that it suffered from a chaotic environment in which its accounts were slow to settle in the days leading up to its collapse.
When you wake up, before you get out of bed, take a moment to settle your thoughts and get into the right frame of mind.
The problem is that many times parents give up trying to find the snacks that their kids like and settle for popular junk foods instead.
If you want to settle for the crumbs you are thrown and lap them up like a person who is starving, that's a choice.
That species would spend its days looking up at the sky, rain or shine and then as darkness came on would fold its white petals over its yellow center and settle down for the night.
He signed up with a debt settlement company named Hope Financial, which negotiated deals with his creditors to settle for about 35 percent of his balance.
Google agreed to settle charges brought by America’s Federal Trade Commission that it had used “deceptive tactics” and “violated its own privacy promises” when it set up Google Buzz last year.
美国联邦贸易委员会斥谷歌去年建立谷歌巴兹(Google Buzz)时使用“欺诈策略”并在之后“违反了当初的隐私承诺”,谷歌同意该委员会提出的赔付方案。
Waiting for her children to arrive, Ellen Goodman reflects on the changing relationship between parents and children as they grow up and leave home, often to settle far away.
Waiting for her children to arrive, Ellen Goodman reflects on the changing relationship between parents and children as they grow up and leave home, often to settle far away.