With the same settlement, the pile distance of pile - net composite foundation is longer than normal composite foundation's.
The total settlement of foundation could be adjusted through the change of pile length and pile distance.
The prestressed RC pipe pile is used in foundation design according to the ground condition, and the calculation settlement satisfies the requirement.
Some general features of pipe pile composite foundation settlement derived from the typical geology background of silty clay, silty soil and shallow water level in Zhengzhou are summarized.
Based on elastic methods and the layer-wise summation method, a program developed for settlement calculation of pile ground and combined composite foundation.
A settlement computation method to the composite foundation composed of slurry wall-pile-box or thick raft is proposed, which is defined in the paper as two-stage settlement computation method.
The factors of influence on pile bearing capacity and settlement are analyzed by grey theory on this foundation.
The governing object function and two boundary condition: settlement and foundation bearing capacity are developed in the optimization design of the PCC pile composite foundation.
建立了PC C桩复合地基优化设计的目标控制函数和两个约束条件:沉降控制条件和承载力校核条件。
The problems of construction, bearing capacity in vertical and horizontal directions and settlement of timber-pile composite foundation are analyzed and solved.
With analysis of interaction of piles, soil and cushion, settlement characteristics of the rigid pile composite foundation is discussed.
The ground settlement can be manipulated by changing the pile slenderness ratio of blocked foundation with the pile below.
Therefore, researches of the subject of post grouting pile group foundation settlement characteristics are conducted for this paper.
It is proved that pretreatment of the soft ground at abutment can effectively reduce the said friction and avoid settlement of pile foundation.
So, it is necessary to analyze the main factors which effect the settlement and working mechanism of pile CFG's composite foundation.
By using a complete engineering example, this paper gives the data of static load test and the data of settlement observation of treated single pile and single pile complex foundation respectively.
In soft soil areas the pile foundation is often used for the foundation of buildings to ensure their stability or control their settlement.
Reinforcement of soft soil foundation with dusting pile is capable of effectively lowering the settlement of subgrade, lessening the vehicle bump at bridge head.
At the same time, the revised method can be used to calculate the settlement of a bored pile and that of a foundation pile caused by negative frictional resistance around the pile.
The karst geological condition, the design and construction, and the settlement observation result of the low-grade plain concrete pile composite foundation for the Longgang Culture Center in Shenzh.
There is equal settlement section in the reinforced area of the composite foundation, the sparse capped pile settlement controlled composite foundation can enhance the stability of soft ground.
For pile group, the settlement can been calculated by layer and summation mouth by pile group is considered body foundation, but have not given the limits value.
Compared with pile foundation, settlement of composite foundation is much greater and easily to produce crack or incline in upper structure.
According to the national codes, the settlement of the rigid pile combination foundation can be calculated by the method of the sum layered settlement.
Considering the thick backfill and soft foundation soil in the cut-and-cover section of Jiadi tunnel, a pile-raft foundation is accepted in order to avoid negative effect due to excessive settlement.
According to mechanics character of expanded branches and plates and load transfer theory, a method of expanded branches and plates pile foundation settlement calculation is present.
With the changing of piles length, displacement ratio and piles strength, we concluded the settlement rules of semi -rigid-pile composite foundation by numerical calculation method.
In the current criterion, different models of pile foundation settlement estimation should match with different DE - termination methods of thickness of compressed layer.
The causation for column foundation settlement of factory building is analysed in this paper' Therefore, the scheme of reinforcing foundation with chemical churning pile has been put up.
This will be the model is applied to predict the settlement of pile foundation, bridge and achieved good effect, the settlement of pile foundation for the bridge for new ideas.
The bearing capacity and settlement of the foundation are tested and computed in a specific project. Those results showed feasibility of RCS pile for treatment of wet collapse loess foundation.