A library of "best practice processes" that you can reuse from project to project to reduce setup time, improve scalability and enhance both efficiency and quality.
Perhaps they have a final project or tight deadline, but don't want to make a long-term commitment to the purchase or setup of complete systems from scratch.
Project groups usually need an online collaboration workspace -- a wiki or teamroom -- that can be created as part of the initial small group setup process.
Project templates ensure consistency and improve the efficiency of people working in a collaborative setup.
The download contains an exported Functional Tester project, a set of sample graphs, and setup instructions.
On the Summary page of the Jazz Team server setup wizard, you can create more user accounts or create a new Jazz project, or simply click Finish to complete the server setup (Figure 4).
I already spent a considerable amount of time creating the Web Setup Project, and I didn't want to start all over again.
When generating an MSI installer with Visual Studio 2005 through a Web Setup Project, there is no possibility to specify the physical path of the Virtual Directory that is created.
当通过VisualStudio 2005的Web安装项目创建MSI[4]安装程序时,里面并没有创建的虚拟目录指定物理路径的方法。
The Beautifying the Border project suggests a series of landscaped features that the studio hopes would be less imposing than the present setup.
The Beautifying the Border project suggests a series of landscaped features that the studio hopes would be less imposing than the present setup.