I have setup project that requires.
Create a setup project and the custom actions to install your service.
I did not want to lose the option to select a website, or implement this in a regular Setup Project.
Finally, I would then add the Installer class as a Custom Action in the Setup Project and compile it.
Using the setup project options, developers have to write custom installer actions to register extensions.
All of these prerequisites can be configured through the setup project for the add-in you create in VSTO.
所有这些前提条件都可以从你在VS TO里创建的加载宏的安装工程里配置。
Net installation file inside my Setup Project and force it to install first during the installation process?
However, there were two reasons why I decided to implement this functionality in a Web Setup Project instead.
I already spent a considerable amount of time creating the Web Setup Project, and I didn't want to start all over again.
How can I add. Net installation file inside my Setup Project and force it to install first during the installation process?
This walkthrough demonstrates how to package a component in a merge module and to consume that merge module in a setup project.
Developers who include the merge module in their Setup project cannot deliver fixes to the merge module without interacting with its owner.
I have setup project that requires. Net Framework 2.0 before installation. So, I want to make my project to install. Net first and then my project.
WiX is much more flexible than the Visual Studio Setup Project currently available today and it supports managed code to interact with the Windows Installer.
相对于当前使用的VisualStudio安装项目,Wix更加灵活。而且它支持托管代码和Windows Installer进行交互。
To create a complete setup project, you must add the service project's output to the setup project and then add a custom action to have your service installed.
You package your application by adding a setup project to your solution; when built, it creates the setup and installer package files that you distribute to users.
When generating an MSI installer with Visual Studio 2005 through a Web Setup Project, there is no possibility to specify the physical path of the Virtual Directory that is created.
当通过VisualStudio 2005的Web安装项目创建MSI[4]安装程序时,里面并没有创建的虚拟目录指定物理路径的方法。
After you add installers to your application, the next step is to create a setup project that will install the compiled project files and run the installers needed to install your service.
You can also create a setup project that contains your project's output and create a custom action with it that will run the installers associated with the project and install your service.
To create setup packages for Visual Studio 2008 extensions, MSDN article "Tutorial: Simple VSPackage Deployment" suggests using xcopy, the setup project or using Windows Installer XML Toolset (WiX).
为了给VisualStudio 2008扩展创建安装包,MSDN上的一篇文章“教程:简单的VSPackage部署”建议使用xcopy、安装项目,或者使用WindowsInstallerXMLToolset (WiX)。
Along with that, the generator also adds the required framework JARs to the project so that no manual setup is required.
The following sections contain recommendations, from project setup to testing, that you may find useful when creating your own AST transformations.
You will see how to configure other project setup steps in the next section.
Perhaps they have a final project or tight deadline, but don't want to make a long-term commitment to the purchase or setup of complete systems from scratch.
However, if your infrastructure is already setup and in place, and the project is simply providing some new functionality, then this approach might be appropriate for your project.
We need to do the setup for the project the same way as we did for the internationalization add-on.
Project groups usually need an online collaboration workspace -- a wiki or teamroom -- that can be created as part of the initial small group setup process.
Download and fire it up, choose a new project and point the application to Firefox Setup that you downloaded from the web.
Typically, your choice of CMS for your AIX setup will be driven by your project requirements.
通常,要根据项目的需求为AIX 系统选择CMS。
This completes the basic setup for the Web project.